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[DSLR 單鏡相機] Nikon D600 D800 firmware upgrade









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76 榮譽貢獻勲章76 榮譽忠義勲章76 榮譽VIP勲章76 精選榮譽會員勲章十週年永遠榮譽會員勲章76-FC 藍寶石勲章

發表於 2013-4-2 14:17 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Upgrade 內容如下~

Full list of modifications in the new D600 C:1.01 firmware:

- Support for the AF-S NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR has been added.
Subject tracking performance in AF-C (continuous-servo autofocus) autofocus mode with framing using the viewfinder has been improved.
- Frame output size has been changed from 95% to 100% when movie live view display is changed to "Information off" and an HDMI-compatible device is connected.
- An issue that caused the right edges of images to be somewhat white when captured at an Image area setting of DX (24x16) 1.5x with Active D-Lighting set to Off has been resolved.
- When the camera's shutter-release button was pressed repeatedly for uninterrupted shooting with the "Record to:" option in Camera Control Pro 2's Storage tab set to "PC+CARD", the camera would stop responding with displaying "Err" in its control panel. This issue has been resolved.
- In some very rare cases, colors would change with shooting when white balance was set to a specific color temperature, as with Preset manual or Choose color temp. This issue has been resolved.

The new Nikon D800 A:1.01 / B:1.02 firmware update contains:

- Support for the AF-S NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR has been added.
- Subject tracking performance in AF-C (continuous-servo autofocus) autofocus mode with framing using the viewfinder has been improved.
- Gamut for Adobe RGB images displayed in the camera's monitor has been changed. This enables more vivid display of images.
With live view photography in [M] (Manual) exposure mode, exposure preview was always on.  This issue has been resolved.
- In some very rare cases when certain memory cards were used, movie recording would stop, even when the time remaining display indicated remaining recording time.  This issue has been resolved.
- With shooting at an image quality setting of TIFF (RGB) and an image size setting of Small, the right edge of images contained a purple line.  This issue has been resolved.
- In some rare cases, images recorded in JPEG format could not be opened by some software applications.  This issue has been resolved.
- In some very rare cases, colors would change with shooting when white balance was set to a specific color temperature, as with Preset manual or Choose color temp.  This issue has been resolved.

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