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[私人收藏] 經典監製 Conny Plank 紀念專輯









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發表於 2013-3-8 17:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Who’s That Man: A Tribute to Conny Plank

**Gorgeous boxset including 4 discs of original, unreleased, live and remixed Plank gear plus extensive booklet of photos, liner notes, and anecdotes**

The influence of Konrad "Conny" Plank (1940-1987) on 20th century music cannot be overstated. 'Who's That Man, A Tribute To Conny Plank' collects 4 CDs (31 tracks) spanning Conny's original and unreleased production work, plus remixes from those artists either influenced directly or by his legacy - Walls, Einstürzende Neubauten, EYE from Boredoms, Kreidler, Automat, Jens Uwe Beyer - and an extensive booklet of liner notes, anecdotes and photos in support of that fact. With formative years spent recording the likes of Karlheinz Stockhausen, Marlene Dietrich and Duke Ellington at Cologne's WDR broadcasting studios and later the Rhenus Studios, he honed a technically innovative approach and canny feel for sound recording, engineering and production which made him a logical choice for recording the sole work of Organisation - soon to be Kraftwerk - and the nascent output of Kluster, with whom he was regarded an auxiliary member. This laid the ground work for nearly two decades of creative influence behind the mixing desk, arguably eliciting the best recordings from some of the late 20th century's most important, inspirational musicians - Neu! Eurythmics, D.A.F., Ultravox, Moebius & Roedelius, Brian Eno - whilst having the foresight to say f**k you to recording with U2. As you'll discover through these discs, Conny was a master of minimalism, but not the academic kind, more an economy of sound and placement, whether shaping nine minute motorik dance grooves with Moebius and Mani Neumeier on 'Conditionierer' or 'Pitch Control', setting the right atmosphere for D.A.F.'s bruxist funk on ''Alles Ist Gut' or Eurythmics' theatrics on 'Le Sinistre', or having the technical nous to realise both the avant-garde wanderings of Roedelius and the stadium pop epics of Ultravox. In many ways he can be heard as the godfather of techno and electronica: it was his finesse and final touch that shaped those records which excited the imaginations of Detroit's first techno wave, and which galvanised the motorik traditions of post punk, or articulated the most cosmic fancies of Krautrock's elders. So, as you see, his work is really important, and this set perfectly portrays his unique sonic capital.


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