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[Music Streamer 串流播放機] Montegiro 四款絕美既工藝典範 ... (轉載)









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發表於 2009-6-27 00:58 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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轉載自 - http://www.my-hiend.com/vbb/showthread.php?t=1284

目前 Montegiro 從入門到高階共有 4 個型號:Legno、Vivo、Mondo 及 Lusso。無論是入門或是高階的,工藝之完美都足以讓人停止呼吸,讚嘆不已。

原廠網站 -  www.montegiro.de

legno – High-end in Wood

A new generation of turntables for the new generation of vinyl lovers – and for all who appreciate great style! Organic shapes, rounded edges, natural materials: the legno model exudes a harmonious look that reflects its full, sonorous yet delicate sound. The legno skilfully combines wood and high-grade steel to produce an ideal sound.

The chassis takes advantage of wood’s stabilising qualities combined with its resonance damping properties. The four adjustable high-grade steel feet are decoupled by embedded o-rings (innovative rubber composite), as is the extremely precise, specially treated synchronous motor, which is driven by an outboard high-end motor controller designed for highest demands.

The integral 10,5’’ tonearm (modified for montegiro) and the Benz cartridge provide – even at the entry level – the typical montegiro sound. The legno builds its power upon the fundamental musicality common to all montegiro turntables. The tight bass provides the perfect foundation for the development of a meltingly smooth mid-range and stratospheric highs

Vivo - for a life full of listening pleasures

Show what kind of person you are! Musicality and beauty combined in a turntable influenced by Vienna Modernism: The vivo combines music and art in a fantastic high end record player. Even more: The unique and timeless design turns itself into an object d’art!

The cubistic, tinted acrlyic chassis is available in several in-colours. The armboard for the 10,5’’ tonearm (specially optimised by montegiro) is also made from acrylic as is the plattermat atop the high-quality steel platter. Design integrity plus perfect finish in the manufacturer’s best tradition provide for a tremendously aesthetic ensemble – but, as always, the design is defined by its musical expressiveness.

As with all four montegiro models, the vivo is equipped with a special high-end, decoupled synchronous motor. An external high-end motor generator provides for the correct drive of all models and meets the highest playback demands. You will be thrilled by consummate dynamics and perfect timing!

Clean lines that express strength instead of fancy dominate the vivo. The reduction of frills won’t distract the listener from the essentials, but instead draws attention directly to the sound. With its detailed resolution and near analytical, error-free reproduction of the original event, the vivo has been designed for the ambitious, uncompromising listener. With the vivo, you won’t have to...

Mondo – A whole world of sound

Experience the world of analogue playback from a fresh point of view: Multi-facetted sound, precious chassis, puristical language of shape.Enjoy vinyl reduced to its essence: Music!

Form follows function! This maxim has been our main ideal in developing the mondo. The rectangular chassis is milled from a single piece of precious special steel. You can see the inner value by looking at it – but in particular, you will hear and appreciate the difference! Powerful bass with ideal weight provides a perfect foundation for the soaring, melting mid-range and well articulated, floating heights. The armboard, made from acrylic, is embedded into the chassis and integrates itself perfectly. The precious special steel, acrylic topped platter produces an extremely low resonance combination. The precious, special steel feet rest upon precious special steel plates embedded with acrylic which are additionally optimised by a montegiro innovation.

The specially treated, freestanding synchronous motor, decoupled within the chassis, is controlled by an external high-end motor generator. It provides the correct drive for all models and helps produce superior dynamics and timing.

In addition to a Graham Engineering Phantom B-44 tonearm, the basic configuration includes the montegiro MG1 – a state of the art titanium bodied pickup system.

Lusso – the model for the 21st century!

Luxury is.... having time for the essential things of life.
Luxury is... to experience the atmosphere
of a concert at home.
Luxury is... to allow oneself extravagances.
Luxury is... to expect just more.
Luxury is... the perfect sound.
Luxury is... being different.
Luxury is... lusso.

Spectacular and extravagant, in a breathtaking, unheard-of design, the lusso is built upon alternate layers of aluminium and black acrylic, including the topsy-turvy cone for the aluminium platter fitted with an acrylic platter! The lusso is driven by a newly developed, extremely precise high-end synchronous motor suspended within one of the cones. The cones, connected to each other, embrace height-adjustable feet that serve for perfect set-up. Even the carbon tonearm, mounted on a cone, demonstrates high style.

Sonically, the lusso carries you into a perfect world of sound: Between precise, crystalline highs, and weighty bass is a generous, softly melting midrange that helps produce an ideal, musically balanced turntable. Both the base version of the lusso with three cones and the top-of-the-line model with four cones and two tonearms provide the perfect symbiosis of technique and design!

The basic configuration consists of a 10’’ carbon arm from Da Vinci (model Nobile), and the MG1 from the montegiro family, a state-of-the-art pickup-system from titanium. The top-of-the-line model with four cones includes a 9’’ SME, model 5009 tonearm. Other armboards are, of course, available upon request.
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