我是用ONKYO 606 行 5.1 + BI-AMP
試了幾款線, 現在用緊 Sommer Quadra Blue + XQ20 真的十分夾
厚聲中性既 Quadra Blue + 聲音清脆高分析力的 XQ20 絕配 !!
基本上KEF XQ系列一定是配搭 ...
athensc 發表於 2009-6-24 10:22
i have experience with 805 n 905 , the main different was the power , it makes the dynamic around 15-20% better . and the video chip 905 was better as well,if your speaker not that hard to push ,u can choose 805 , may be adda power amp later ,but don't buy 806 , 806 chip set change already . hop this help.