Mostly use iPhoto to edit the photos (p.s. and iPhoto can unedit the photos to the original ... sometimes, by Photoshop. Now I would spend more time to take more photos, rather than spending a lot of time to edit the photos. In future, I would spend more time to use Photoshop ( or Lightroom ) to edit the photos.
Sometimes also use iPhoto to turn the photos to the Vedios ... with music, and even upload to the youtube.
iPhoto is soooo good, at least for me.
And simply use Mac - Time Machines to backup all things from time to time.
( plus : forget to say : with Mac - Time Machine - I also use NAS - 2TBx4 for raid 1 ... it allows the breakdown of 1 harddisk & can restore by way of Time Machine. Used to use Window - Ghosts for backup ... it took a lot of time. This is the reason that I finally change to Mac - Time Machines )
Mac 及 Nikon User 一名,因為全部影 Raw + Capture NX2,所有 Raw 既 Edit 都可以 Undo (所以唔需要 Backup Original),如果用 PS,點都會保留 Original Layer,一開 File 就 Command + J 再 Keep 返 PSD,唔好做完要 Final JPG 唔要種,唔係有 Time Machine 都死。
1) 每次影完相,開一個 Folder ( Under Time Machine BackUp )
2) 選擇好需要既相片後,其他相都會 Save 係 Sub-Foleder,因為有機會用返 (除左錯誤按快門 or 完全用唔到既相就完全 Delete)。
3) 完成後 Save JPG 去 NAS (FTP) 俾客人 or NAS for Online Gallery
4) Import 多一份去 iPhoto 方便 export 去 iPhone or iPad 做 Presentation,or 玩下個 Photo Location 自我娛樂一下。
5) 有時間會用多隻 HDD 去 Clone Time Machine 做多一次 1:1 既 Backup,咁就有最少兩個實體存檔。(Touch Wood 暫時未炒過)