Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-12-17 01:12
衰在我人窮租唔起旺角什至中環,SSP 太多呢 d 人,特別係鴨街遊過 o黎果班所謂老屎忽,同埋班土炮行家, ...
--- It is a pity that Wilmer could not afford renting a showroom in Central. Except for those "old" shops, like Elephant, Elite Audio, Ernest Audio, quite some HiFi shops there sells products whose price tags do not commensurate with their performance. Besides, Wilmer's SSP shop space does not allow him to do much room accustics which easily let people undermine the performance of his products.
--- If I did not need to save up money for a preamp, I would probably buy the demo dyna-car-unit speakers which is a value for money.