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[資訊] 反依赖中国的非洲外判種植法,看日本人高度靈活性









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76 榮譽貢獻勲章76 榮譽有禮勲章76 榮譽鑽石勲章76 榮譽VIP勲章76 精選榮譽會員勲章2012年度十大吹水之王勲章金耳朵銀耳朵學員

發表於 2012-9-17 16:14 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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中国依存脱却のヒント「アフリカの唐辛子」 日本の底力を示すとき









Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12


76 榮譽貢獻勲章76 榮譽有禮勲章76 榮譽鑽石勲章76 榮譽VIP勲章76 精選榮譽會員勲章2012年度十大吹水之王勲章金耳朵銀耳朵學員

 樓主| 發表於 2012-9-17 16:14 | 顯示全部樓層
Regardless of the number of incidents over the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa, the first time China's outrageously flagrant really. Are there any countermeasures. We are efforts to "Katsura Kobayashi" medium-sized trading company in Kobe is the hint. And will review the Invision pepper imports to China almost overconcentration, grow their own peppers in Africa and Morocco. They say the end of the year to start the import. As export controls (rare metals) indicates rare earths after a Chinese fishing boat collision incident, Chinese Foreign hostage taking resources is cunning. Although little effort one private company, there are some ideas to avoid the risk of China. (Takashi Otani)

You can really ... peppers in Africa?

"Do not you planted peppers in there"

Opportunity, the summer of 2006. Hiroshi Kobayashi, chairman of the company in one of my trips abroad, was a word that originated after the return to office. Location, Morocco Africa more than 10,000 kilometers away from Japan. I did get a field of 250 hectares.

Company specializing in spices about 50 employees. Have experience of keeping an eye on Iranian pistachios more than 30 years ago, was to "hit product" by Kobayashi imported to Japan. But there is a remark of a certain diagnosis, there was also reason that pepper
Volume of imports of the domestic hot pepper about 11,000 tons. Relies on the domestic in the nearly 90% of them. If you stop imports from China, there is a possibility that the pepper will disappear from the table. Make alternative locality, you do not open the air hole to China dependent. Kobayashi was also such a thought.

However, the scene was puzzled.

Currently, (39) Katsunori Tsunemi of manager sales department responsible for the project pepper "in considering a new business, it was one of the candidates also pepper. However, also is said to do, I know what I should Susumere I look back, "I did not.

First, there is no experience of pepper cultivation. Temporarily succeeded as cultivation, there is no guarantee that the price of Chinese products win. Although the project was discussed how to proceed, can not find the answer, in-house has been virtually shelved.

Start of trial and error

I have not had not moved at all. Through local partners, in 2009 was asked to contract farmers to grow peppers. It was about 100 km, I was also able to harvest.

In fact, there is a concern that the suppressed or how the occurrence of mold toxins with a force strong carcinogenic toxin oil to pepper cultivation. Toxin oil, but does not occur if there are no Aspergillus hula bus, I do not know whether in Morocco
The next 10 years, we have to check whether we can grow peppers safe. As a result, I found that to suppress the occurrence of the fungus it can not fail even if the management of the field. Prospects for commercialization in other words has passed.

There was a movement in the country. It is the use of support measures by JETRO Japan External Trade Organization. I had envisioned at the time, and there was no Tsunemi directly in charge of, and I can not get off the ground red pepper cultivation in the use of the support measures. On go straight to Kobayashi, the approval was obtained, and after examination of JETRO, he was going to receive assistance.

Pepper project aiming at an alternative origin began to move. But there was still pending. One is lack of farming experience. Different harvesting methods and pesticide distribution in Asia and parts of Africa, ... pricing. Problem to be solved was abound.

Wall "is surely overcome ..."

Appointed in charge of the project, Tsunemi went to the site in July 2010.

"Anxiety because it was started from. Zeros them does not prepare much"

It went to the local flight from Kansai International Airport, nearly all the way, that I was listening to "Endless Journey" in the meantime Mr. Children

"Something new has been waiting on the other side of closed doors." "I move me I" will surely

"You feel good when rubbed who climbed a high wall is higher"

I feel that such a phrase is similar to the position of its own because I was. I was repeating in my head for about 22 hours, "the wall is more than" I bet Tsunemi and is run through a stopover.

However, I still hit the wall many times. One is the language barrier. You can also Tsunemi English, had been used in the local farmers are French and Arabic. There was also the intent is not transmitted to the plenty. More wall was to the knowledge of agricultural terminology was not sufficient.

"Because ... I do not know the common sense of agriculture. Do you really know me say I understand, I've been attacked anxiety become triple double"

After returning to Japan, he visited Tsunemi pepper farmers in Ibaraki Prefecture. It was a way to check for cultivation in Morocco is the correct one, and then appalled (appalled) to see the farm.

Morocco was compared to weed grows unlimited, Ibaraki farm was pretty orderly. How well with the leaves, but also how to make the ridge, the quality of ... Sat. Everything was different. I did not think the same field of red pepper

"The higher pepper stems to grow to some extent, do not know will not even grow weeds sun can not reach the ground. Them, at the time he became too focused on the difference between"

However, I have also noticed that experienced such, there is a way in Morocco. Ridge spacing is different from Japan, as a result of contract farmers in Morocco, has experience growing paprika. I know that there is a "wisdom of the farmer."

To "trump" Considering China

Production area in 2012 has increased to 10 hectares. Following the first harvest will start from the end of August and lasts until the beginning of the rainy season around November. Dry in the sun to harvest, imports to Japan. Yield is expected to be 20-30 tons.

Although expected to thousand tons annual production capacity up to 5-10 years, it has the effect of unexpected actually born.

I had an inquiry about the amount of red pepper production from European countries. Pepper is used in cooking in Europe, had been worried about the preparations that are dependent on China. Trump China as well as to the risk, I came into the field of view to the European "export". Say "(mechanisms) should be able to take advantage of the same scheme to other product this time" and Tsunemi, I explained how to do these dependent departure card game metaphor to China.

In doing so. Should I do to nothing to negotiate with the other party while guise probably cardinal rule of game. Idea to prepare a lot of hand in order to reduce the risk "when you turn off the card, but also to show the power of Japan should become. pepper I serve as an example "

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