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[美版] The Cabin in the Wood - Review









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發表於 2012-9-10 17:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Try to start sharing some review after watching the disc here in the forum starting by this disc. Hope ching would like it. Again, sorry that I don't know how to type Chinese.

Title : The Cabin in the Woods
Director : Drew Goddard
Actor : Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth
Genre : Horror / Sci-Fi

The Movie
This movie try to give a 'change' to the traditional horror movie genre. It start off just like all other TONS of american horror movie : a group of youngster escape from the city to spend a week-end in a far far away remote place and then..... yes, you are right, sound very familiar. However, this movie did give something new here and I personally quite like it.. in order NOT to spoil it, I left ching to see it yourselves.

All the actors/actress are doing ok, those scary scene are so-so as we have too many experience already on this type of movie and hardly be scared. This movie pay tribute to many other horror movie and so don't feel surprise to see other movie similarities here.

Movie Score : Tier 2  
(Tier 1 - Outstanding , Must See    Tier 2 - Partly good, give it a try      Tier 3 - Dump it

Picture Quality
There are many dark scene in the movie and they are rendered in much detail, a test drive for your projector / display unit on shadow detail. The director didn't put much emphasize on the use of color and so don't expect to have brilliant color presentation here. Resolution is ok but lack of the three dimensional clarity. No visible noise and the picture is very clean.
Picture Score : Tier 2
(Tier 1 - Demonstration reference quality    Tier 2 - Good, as expected from a HD material    Tier 3 - Dump it)

Sound Quality
The sound track of this movie is SURPRISINGLY good. The directional effect sound are dubbed in fine detail, you can here the sound panning accurately according to the object on the screen around all the channel. Music score is recorded beautifully with good sound stage. Dialogue is crystal clear without the 'artificial' feel and is very natural. The sub-woofer channel is used effectively and provide with some very deep , detail base.
Sound Score : Tier 1
(Tier 1 - Demonstration reference quality    Tier 2 - Good, as expected from a HD material    Tier 3 - Dump it)

Cover: CabinInTheWood.jpg
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