本帖最後由 wantf1 於 2013-6-16 12:02 編輯
KING 發表於 2013-6-16 10:32
ebay賣連運費未講價EUR$700左右. ...
KING SIR, 個人睇 LS803 應該同LS603 一個Level 但多2條芯,唔用bi-wire肯定正D,但佢8芯可以用Bi-wire 每2條1組, (LS603俾Bi-wire用,有D師兄高音用1條,低音2條 應該效果係LS803好) 如果有銀同我玩BI-WIRE, 我都一定用嚟條 (咁嘅價錢有咁嘅料好OK啦), KING SIR 你果對係FA 喎...正,如果係個喇叭有4個洞,一於插晒佢, 我記得ropresident 師兄有講過,LS803 CP值冇LS603咁高, 寧願買更高級嘅, 因為LS603,LS803兩者相差遠, 但我超到有筍野喎CHING, 未扣稅EUR579, 減稅19% = EUR469 連郵費大約EUR5舊多D呀 KING SIR (資料如下,郵費要問), 你有新後級,新銀線, 緊係要新喇叭線啦...哈哈 同你EBAY POST相差EUR2舊喎,快D落手啦KING SIR,重唔引死你......,死未!
http://www.hifisound.de/oxid/oxi ... 803-DUO-PE-2x3-MTR/
The little brother of the LS-1203 has an 8-fold multicore design. The tightlypacked PE-Network Jacket holds the wires together and reduces micro-vibrations (High Power Management), which occur in the cable from the changing magnetic fi elds in the beat of the music. The cable therefore also transmits high level and extreme dynamic peaks with absolute precision.
� 8-fold Multicore
� High Speed waveguide technology
� Concentric Copper
� DUO-PE II insulation around each conductor
� PE network jacket reduces micro-vibrations and capacitance
� High Power Management
� 16 conductors; 8 x 1,32 mm�
� Insulation 1: foamed PE
� Insulation 1: massive PE
� Diameter: 13,7 mm
Each and every cable has its very own characteristic, even its own ?character?, which is relected in its very own timbre. This is because of its technical construction and the materials used for its manufacturing. The diagram shows how the described cable is positioned and where and what are its strong points. The indicated rating by numbers is based on our best knowledge and experience, as well as our own statistical calculations. It should give you some solid and easy to comprehend guideline, which should also be helpful to compare various products and to serve as a profound assistance for your selection and purchasing decision.
P.S. 但要等一個月.....