Embarrase to say but I don't know how to type chinese character and too lazy to use hand-writing pad so type in English.
I got the following setup :
Projector : JVC DLA-X3 3D projector
Screen : OS Pure Matt II plus
AV Amp : Onkyo 5010
Front 3 Channel Power Amp : ATI 1506 (over 10 years old but still in good condition)
Front Wide Amp : MusicHall A3.5
Front Speaker : Dali Ikon 6 Mk 2
Centre Speaker : Dali Vocal Mk 2
Front Height Speaker : Energy XLR (over 10 years old)
Front Wide Speaker : Energy XLR
Surround Speaker : Mirage Omnipole
Surround Back Speaker : Mirage Omnipole
Sub-woofer : JL Audio F110 + Sunfire True Sub-woofer (1st generation, over 10 years old)
Blu Ray Player : Oppo 93
CAS Source : Macbook Air + Amarra
CAS DAC : Audiolab MDAC
The Onkyo 5010, JL Audio sub-woofer and Dali Ikon speaker just bought within these 2 weeks and hope to share my view later.
Greeting all 76 Ching, nice meeting you and let's share more in the future.