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[投影機/幕] Sony全新家用投影機VPL-HW50ES









Rank: 5Rank: 5


76-FC 藍寶石勲章

發表於 2012-9-4 16:41 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 stephenwan 於 2012-9-4 16:45 編輯

Reality Creation – Super Resolution Function

Developed for the Sony 4K home cinema projector (VPL-VW1000ES) this function has now been adapted for the new VPL-HW50ES/B projector. It reproduces the colour and texture of the original 1080p signal by restoring missing information lost during packaging of the original contents to disc. As a result, you can enjoy sharp and crisp full HD pictures in the comfort of your own home.

High Brightness of 1,700 lumens with faithful colour reproduction

By improving the light efficiency of the lamp and with an optimised optical block, the brightness is increased by approximately 30%* giving much brighter and clearer images in well-lit living rooms. The VPL-HW50ES/Balso provides rich colour reproduction due to the improvedoptical engine design and the same colour management method as the VPL-VW1000ES"
* Compared to Sony conventional Home Cinema Projectors

Bright Cinema and Bright TV Mode for living room theatre

The VPL-HW50ES/B boasts the new Bright Cinema and Bright TV Mode. With optical block and signal processing improvements bringing high brightness without a loss in colour reproduction and contrast, you can enjoy bright, crisp images even when viewing in a well-lit room.

Contrast Enhancer Function

This function automatically adjusts the contrast for optimum viewing. It compensates for dark and bright parts of an image by analysing the signal component of each scene in real time to ensure that the optical contrast is obtained.

100,000:1 Dynamic Contrast

Thanks to contrast enhancer technology and the Advanced Iris3 technology, the projector has a dynamic contrast ratio of more than 100,000:1. It maximises black and white levels without diminishing peak brightness to ensure no detail is missed in dark scenes.


Motionflow technology allows the VPL-HW50ES/B to display twice as many images per second. This algorithm, unique to Sony, creates completely new images based on the incoming signal, and inserts them between the original frames to reproduce smoother, sharper motion.

SXRD Panel Technology

SXRD panels minimise the gaps between pixels to 0.2μm for sharper, dot-free images, making it possible to reproduce up to 240 frames per second. The opening and closing of the shutters on the 3D glasses are synchronised to ensure that each eye receives the correct image, thus reducing crosstalk to a minimum. The result is stunningly detailed, high-definition 3D images that you believe you can reach out and touch.

Advanced Iris3 Control

This is an automatic Iris control feature that enhances the contrast in accordance with the scene. It maximises black and white levels without diminishing peak brightness.

Dynamic Lamp Control Technology for 3D

When each of the shutters on your 3D glasses opens, Dynamic Lamp Control Technology automatically boosts the brightness (approximately 3x brighter) in the image to that eye, maximising the picture’s impact and the lamp’s efficiency. This means that you will not lose any brightness and attain the optimal visual experience from the comfort of your own home.

Built-in 3D Sync Transmitter

You can synchronise the projector with the 3D glasses thanks to the 3D synchronous transmitter built into the front of the projector, reducing set-up time and the need for extra cabling.

Separate 2D and 3D Modes

The VPL-HW50ES/B allows you to pre-select separate parameters for 2D and 3D content under a variety of application modes – Dynamic, Standard, Game, Cinema and Photo – as well as automatically recognising 2D or 3D input.

Extremely Low Fan Noise (21dB)

The VPL-HW50ES/B runs very quietly with an advanced air discharge system. Through a highly efficient cooling system, fan noise is suppressed to a mere 21dB. With whisper-quiet fan noise, you can concentrate on a movie or game in a quiet environment without distraction.

Gamma Adjustment Function

With 11 modes to select, it is possible to fine tune image brightness according to the room conditions or the screen content.

Improved Lens Shift Range

The vertical range is wider than Sony's conventional markets. This expands the projector’s placement and installation options without distorting image quality.

Improved Panel Alignment Function

The VPL-HW50ES/B is configured with a function that compensates for gaps in character or colour management. It is possible to select R(Red) or B(Blue) to make adjustments based on G(Green), and to adjust the horizontal and vertical direction by shifting the full image or selecting zones of each colour.

RCP (Real Color Processing) Version 2

The VPL-HW50ES/B offers an “RCP (Real Color Processing)” function to adjust the colour and hue of each target colour of the projected picture independently. Additionally, version 2 adds the ability to adjust the brightness at the same time. With this capability, you can tweak the images to perfection.

即係 VPL-HW30ES 用家唔洗換








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


76-FC 藍寶石勲章

發表於 2012-9-13 12:26 | 顯示全部樓層
any more news on that??
when will HK release?








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2012-9-13 14:58 | 顯示全部樓層
即係 VPL-HW30ES 用家唔洗換








Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


76-FC 藍寶石勲章

發表於 2012-9-13 18:01 | 顯示全部樓層
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