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NAS: Synology® Announces Official Release of DiskStation Manager 4.1









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http://originwww.synology.com/su ... enu&news_id=357

DSM 4.1 offers:

Agile storage for virtual infrastructure: DSM 4.1 fully supports VMware® vSphere 5 vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI) features. By integrating Full Copy, Zero Blocks, and Atomic Test and Set (ATS) features, Synology DiskStation and RackStation boost the performance of ESXi servers and optimize storage utilization to empower business with an efficient virtualized data center.

Dynamic business applications: The revamped Syslog server features real-time log overview, extensive notification service, and customizable log archive, making it easy for IT managers to manage logs collected over the network. Cloud Station syncs individual files as large as 5GB, allows for two folders in sync, and complies with business IT policy by supporting HTTPS tunneling and proxy to establish secure connection. Mail server is re-designed with an intuitive interface where users can clearly view e-mail activities and data bandwidth at first glance. It also provides SMTP/SMTPS relay services, email alias, multiple domains, spam filter, and auto-reply to meet business’ needs for a sophisticated mail service.

Robust resource sharing solutions: DSM 4.1 boasts streamlined data consolidation by enabling users to sync shared folders from multiple DiskStation and RackStation to a single destination. File sharing becomes not only more efficient with FXP support, but also more secure with SFTP server support to meet enterprise security standards. Moreover, Traffic Control and Speed Limit can prioritize or throttle bandwidth for different users, groups or services, and thus ensure quality of services.

Unleashing multimedia sensation: The brand-new Video Station has a sleek interface that presents the entire video information gathered automatically, providing a convenient way to organize users’ video collections. With a USB DTV tuner, users can live stream TV shows or set a recording schedule. DS video extends their multimedia enjoyment to iOS devices and supports streaming H.264 videos of selected formats in HD quality for the finest viewing experience. Timeline is built into Photo Station and allows users to display photos chronologically with geotags. Featuring a redesigned interface with an elegant appeal, Audio Station lets every user host a personal library and shows live lyrics with highlight of the current line. Even without Internet access, iOS users can enjoy music stored in cache. Additionally, DS audio and DS photo+ are brought to Windows Phone®. The new DS download allows iOS users to manage download tasks on-the-go.

Elevating surveillance intelligence: Architected to enhance usability, Surveillance Station 6 features a refreshed, intuitive interface, making video playback more efficient with four time-sliders that correspond to their respective channels. New object tracking features, including Tally Counter, Virtual Fence and No-idle Zone, help users detect intruders easily. Furthermore, web API offers system integrators an immense opportunity to add more functionality to their surveillance system.
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