Panasonic DP-UB9000EBK, Shield TV Pro 2019, Apple TV 4K, Acurus Muse 16, PSI Audio A21-M x 5, A17-M x 2, Yamaha HS5 x 2, Arendal 1723 2S x 2, Procella P15A x 2, Epson EH-12000B, Grandview Screen
I have test Denon 2808 and Inko 806 today, my personal feeling is:
Movie: Very close but Onko seem to be morer balance
Music: To be honest, I'm quite disappointed with Denon 2809. Onko 806's sound is more musical, details and better transparence. The price is about $200 difference (Onko is higher).
I haven't yet to compare Marantz SR 8002 with Onko 802, I hope I can compare these two amp at the same place.