真係唔明點解有人唔睇 broadcast rule 就撐K保?????
International Olympic Committee 條例列明 "The IOC will cite where a pay operator owns the rights but has committed to broadcast 200 hours free, as the model. "
即係用真金白銀買左版權, 但一定要無條件下開放200小時給公眾觀看的, 但現在K保係有條件下開放呢200小時給公眾喎.
真係唔明點解有人唔睇 broadcast rule 就撐K保?????
International Olympic Committee 條例列明 "The IOC will cite where a pay operator owns the rights but has committed to broadcast 200 hours free, as the model. "
即係用真金白銀買左版權, 但一定要無條件下開放200小時給公眾觀看的, 但現在K保係有條件下開放呢200小時給公眾喎.
先了解 "IOC to reserve 200 hours of coverage for free-to-air TV".
鬼佬一向認為free-to-air 等同開放給大眾, 點知香港財團玩中文解釋, 或者自行解釋.
當然朋友支持K保的, 請繼續, 正所謂 public to air -- 自由講. source link
先了解 "IOC to reserve 200 hours of coverage for free-to-air TV".
鬼佬一向認為free-to-air 等同開放給大眾, 點知香港財團玩中文解釋, 或者自行解釋.
當然朋友支持K保的, 請繼續, 正所謂 public to air -- 自由講.
source linkADA 發表於 2012-7-9 17:21