Compare with those Chings who collect early local pop, 我果d收得皮la...I will not pay thousands for one CD law...(I don't believe these claims actually - 左手交右手, 創作交易假象, 等第三隻手高價接貨)
回復 audionewhand
呢度比較小人分享古典,有你出來分享真的很好,不會獨沽一味local pop ...
ckw3031 發表於 2012-8-9 18:50
Actually, I grow up with local pop like most of us. For the past 15+ years or so, I don't like local pop much and "tune" my mind into classical and jazz music! Much more fun, pleasure and charming!
If you want hifi道路上有另一種睇法, you should occassionally go and listen to live orchestral concerts. You will get some ideas what makes a good sounding system, instead of EQ sound.