久違三年,繼白金銷量專輯《My One and Only Thrill》,爵士唱作女神Melody Gardot推出2012全新專輯《The Absence》! 完成《My One and Only Thrill》各項宣傳及巡迴演唱會之後,Melody深信要 "leave and go live",因此踏上一年異國之旅,遊歷巴西、葡萄牙、阿根庭等地方。這位爵士女神以Bossa Nova、Fado、Samba、Tango靈感,繪寫醉人音樂國度,編織多首浪漫原創作品! 主打"Mira" 喻意世界的美好:歌曲充滿正能量,綻放陽光情懷。
01. Mira
02. Amalia
03. So Long
04. So We Meet Again My Heartache
05. Lisboa
06. Impossible Love
07. If I Tell You I Love You I'm Lying
08. Goodbye
09. Se Voce Me Ama
10. My Heart Won't Have It Any Other Way
11. Yemanja
I don't want to buy HK Versions because of sound quality.
US Version is usually one hundred something (like Macdona's) but this
US version costs over $250, too expenisve, close to Jpn version !