我同阿婆羅訂過4次,第一次訂條1>2 OASIS 6 SUBWOOFER 2M線,果時唔識問佢囉拆,比原價,但佢話無2M,免補錢比3M我,但等佐20日先收到.第二次我識得問佢唔要包裝比拆,同佢訂1條2M ChromaHDMI 和1條0.3M Chroma HDMI.但0.3M佢話免補錢比Silver starlight 5.2比我約等10日先收到,但因0.3M收到才發覺太短,再出信問佢有無1M Silver starlight,回覆己無新貨,但有條用過約港币$820連運費比我.仲送多條APOLLO AV Lightning 比我叫我幫佢試比意見,今次最快約7日收到,最近今次,星期六晚先同佢訂條Electra,佢話有條錯包裝-$300 is for the regular Electra. The Silver Electra 2M is $525 with shipping and is better than the Electra, but not worth the price difference unless you have a very high end system and want every last bit of performance. I do have both cables in stock.
I do have a 2M Electra that is the wrong jacket color (looks like the discontinued Gold Electra). The writing on the jacket say Electra. This was manufacturing mistake bought directly from Wireworld. I can sell that to your for $225 with shipping to help save you money. It is still covered by the Wireworld limited lifetime warranty.