魔盜王:決戰鬼盜船 (Pirates of the Caribbean : TheCurse of the Black Pearl)
加勒比海盜:決戰魔盜王 (Pirates of the Caribbean : DeadMan's Chest)
加勒比海盜:魔盜王終極之戰 (Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End)
魔幻王國:獅子.女巫.魔衣櫥 (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe)
魔幻王國:卡斯柏王子 (The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian)
驚天奪寶 (National Treasure)
驚天奪寶 : 世紀秘冊 (National Treasure 2 Book of Secrets)
空軍一號 (Air Force One)
衰鬼上帝 (Bruce Almighty)
擊動深情 (Cinderella Man)
驚天動地 (Con Air)
紅潮風暴 (Crimson Tide)
時凶感應 (Deja Vu)
極地雪犬 (Eight Below)
魔法奇緣 (Enchanted)
高度反擊 (Enemy of the State)
奪面雙雄 (Face Off)
高凶三萬尺 (Flightplan)
湊女也瘋狂 (Game Plan)
極速60秒 (Gone in 60 Seconds)
歌舞青春2 (High School Music 2 Extended Dance Edition)
歌舞青春 (High School Music Remix Edition)
王者無敵 (King Arthur)
風月俏佳人 (Pretty Woman)
驚天殺局 (The Recruit)
石破天驚 (The Rock)
壯志衝天 (The Rookie)
談情共舞 (Shall We Dance)
驚兆 (Signs)
暴走四壯士 (Wild Hogs)