The Centron 300B is one of the only two made in the USA 300B tubes (the Western Electric being the other). The audio products division of Richardson Electronics Ltd. are also the keepers of the Bugle Boy name by the way. i tried to love 'em. i really did! Alas, they were so hazy as compared to other tubes here that in my listening they ranked dead last. i don't know what more to say. They just seemed slow, hazy, and just not nearly as good as the rest of the bunch. Not much in the way of microphonics by the way but even if it was totally dead microphonically speaking i still couldn't recommend it due to music reproduction quality issues.
Richardson Electronics, Ltd.
40W267 Keslinger Road
P.O. Box 393
LaFox, IL 60147
This tube by Valve Art was one of the reasons why this review has taken so long to hit "print". It is absolutely amazing and i just received them about 2 months ago and wanted to put them through the ringer (making sure these weren't like the AVVT Audio Notes). Heck, it was my closet fave... until. No it did not blow up, just that another tube even more recently came my way here within the past few weeks of this writing which blew it out of the head contender position for the best 300B variant for GI Joe drop and go action. The Valve Art 300B-C60 is actually in the middle of their 300B product line. They also offer a lower line tube called simply the 300B which one of my friends says betters this one! Since i only got the middle of the line unit seen here and top of the line 300B (seen below) all i can say is that this was the best i had heard at the time over all others except for the winning tube.
The mids are not quite as liquid as the Western Electric, yet what is? The bass is more extended and defined the the W.E. though. The highs are very smooth and defined as well nudging out even the W.E. if you're looking for more upper end extension. The inner resolution was pretty much the best in the bunch too with a tie between it and the all out winner in some regards. One of things you'll notice with the Valve Art is that they use small flat pieces to keep the very small wire strands in their place at the top of the tube. Most manufactures just solder a small connecting piece to keep the tensioning of said wires in place.
The microphonics were very small, yet still evident when i played my system at louder volume levels. Microphonics can really effect the imaging and this was evident, though to a small degree. Let's please keep microphonics in check here because if you can better isolate the amplifier from floor and air vibrations then this helps to reduce microphonics to some degree. In fact the new Vibrapods really helps here as i now use them instead of the usual feet for the Wavelength Audio Cardinal monoblocks.
A real winner here and almost a tie with the REAL winner, yet the REAL winners subjectively has better resolution and were just a teeny tiny bit less microphonic too.
Valve Art
International Electronics Building
Yingbin Road
Changsh, Hunun 410011
P.R. Chine