The world's first high-end AC cable made specifically for dedicated lines from your breaker panel to your room, outlet to outlet, or wherever there is a need for very low noise, high quality audiophile and videophile grade power AC cabling to run your 2 channel audio, custom home theater, or studio system.
Our custom high-end Power AC In-wall cable is a 10 AWG (5.27 mm2), specified for use in supplying high-quality, noise rejecting, non-current limiting AC power while enhancing audio or video quality beyond standard commercially available cable. Its Optimized Field Matrix (OFM) construction allows it to inherently reject noise, allowing the ultimate in subtle details, while it's shear size supplies the high power demands of the largest of amplifiers and systems. This cable was designed to allow any system to perform to its highest potential with total resolution.
北美牆內電線不入喉,故是孖膠線,內有單支單膠 x 2和單支無膠 x 1為水線,銅線5.27 mm2,比香港放射型規格的4mm還粗,成支鐵枝咁,接駁IEC後插入AMP,硬掘掘,用過就知。