active speaker + dac with pre amp + PC with foobar = simple CAS, but is that good enough to compare with the tradional system (cd + int amp + passive speaker) at the same price?
Except some low cost design, active speakers not as simple as you think, good design have individual cabinet section for electronic parts, and lots of circuit to treat and squeeze the performance of the driver units, plus mordern design mostly takes advasntages from DSP, by in coperate with digital(plus amp, D class, T amp) amplifier, it can do lots of "fantasy" by software base design, which can never achieve with full analog design, plus it don't need heavy design as most analog power amp, all what I am talking is just thousands dollar model, nothhing expensive.
The only reson active speakers can't be popular in audio business specially hi-end section it is simply because active speaker design forced the market give up many business changes: No chance to sell more cables, no chance to convince consumer have a partially upgrade as selling either only an amp or only a pair of speakers, no chance to make any further excuses about system matching.... all is just about commercial issue but nothing about performance issue.
Wilmer ching btw any suggestion for the DAC with pre amp funcion please? budget around 10K to 15K and match with the Focal CMS65? or any mainland china product with high C/P also good ah?