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[周邊設備] SIIG 推出 USB 3.0 to HDMI 影音轉換器 (轉載)









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發表於 2012-3-6 19:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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轉載自 engadget 中文版

想要享受「更多螢幕」的快感卻遲遲不想更換你的顯卡 / 筆電嗎? 只要你的 USB 插槽夠多,這款 SIIG 推出的 USB 3.0 to HDMI 訊號轉換器將可輕易地達成你的願望 -- 其最多可透過連接 6 個相同的裝置,並能傳輸影「音」訊號與支援高速達 5Gb/s 的資料傳輸速度  ~ 這都要歸功於 DisplayLink 的 DL-3500 USB 虛擬顯示晶片的幫助。這款 USB 影音轉換器也可向下支援至 USB 2.0,可以支援標準寬螢幕的顯示比例 (16:9 / 16:10) 解析度最高可達 2,048 x 1,536 而且不需另外連接音源線。這個帶給電腦強大多螢幕支援的小巧轉換器,現在已經正式在美國上市了,售價則為 US$129.99,約 HK$1,000。其實,這樣的 USB 外接顯卡產品在市面上已經不算少見,但到底在 DisplayLink 技術與 USB 3.0 高速介面的支援下能否用起來更為流暢不延遲呢,就讓我們等待動手玩心得吧。

SIIG’s USB 3.0 to HDMI with Audio adds an HDMI port to your USB 3.0 enabled system.  It supports standard and widescreen (16:9 & 16:10) aspect ratio and video resolution up to 2048 x 1536 (4:3 ratio). This USB 3.0 to HDMI with Audio is USB bus powered –no additional power adapter is needed, hot-pluggable and comes with DisplayLink chip for maximum performance, reliability and compatibility.  It is a cost-effective solution to add an HDMI port to your USB 3.0 enabled system to improve, enhance and satisfy your audio and video enjoyment.

The USB 3.0 to HDMI with Audio is FCC approved and RoHS compliant.  It supports a wide variety of Windows operating systems and is backed by SIIG’s limited 5-year warranty.

• Connect up to 6 adapters
• SuperSpeed USB 3.0 5Gb/s data rate
• Supports 16:9 & 16:10 widescreen formats
• Powered by DisplayLink™ DL-3500 to maximize performance and compatibility

• Supports standard and widescreen (16:9 & 16:10) aspect ratio
• Connects up to 6 adapters per system
• Chip: DisplayLink DL-3500
• Resolution (max):
• 4:3 ratio:  2,048 x 1,536
• 16:10 ratio:  2,048 x 1,280
• 16:9 ratio:  2,048 x 1,152
• Supports 24-bit color depth
• Integrated 2.0/5.1 channel audio (32, 44.1, 48KHz, 16-bit, SNR=90dB)
• USB bus powered and hot-pluggable
• Product dimensions: 2.52" (W) x 1.10" (H) x 0.55" (D)
• Product weight: 0.7 oz
• Product color: Black
• Product material: Plastic

• 1, 19-pin, HDMI, Female
• 1, 10-pin, USB 3.0, Micro B, Female
• USB 3.0 cable:

• USB 3.0 Micro B (M) to USB 3.0 Type A (Male)
• Length: 3.3 ft (1m)
• Color: Black
• Certifications/Standards: FCC, RoHS
• Warranty: 5 years
• Country of origin: Taiwan

• Desktop or notebook computer with an available USB 2.0/3.0 port (USB 3.0 recommended)
• Windows® 7 (32-/64-bit) / Vista (32-/64-bit) / XP (32-bit) with Service Pack 2 or 3

Package Contents
• USB 3.0 to HDMI with Audio
• USB Cable
• Driver CD
• User’s manual
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