makesure the cutover point of little speaker of 120MX. Otherwise it will loss some of the sound from 80hz to higher.
set cutover point at your amp to provide higher cut off.
bbaba 發表於 2009-2-12 10:05
sub set 番去 100Hz 或以上會好 D... 如果佢 show 100Hz 即係其他喇叭會係 100Hz 樓下會冇聲出交晒比隻 sub 出聲
咁你 set 隻 sub 去 100Hz 會變左 80 - 100Hz 呢個頻率會冇出到聲
總之就隻 sub set 高 D 就冇壞 (一般情況下.... 如果隻 amp set 左隻 sub 唔跟個 cutoff frequency 另計)
sub set 番去 100Hz 或以上會好 D... 如果佢 show 100Hz 即係其他喇叭會係 100Hz 樓下會冇聲出交晒比隻 sub 出聲
咁你 set 隻 sub 去 100Hz 會變左 80 - 100Hz 呢個頻率會冇出到聲
總之就隻 sub set 高 D 就冇壞 ( ...
syau 發表於 2009-2-12 17:38
如果隻 amp set 左隻 sub 唔跟個 cutoff frequency 另計)唔明什麼意思
ericbusmo 發表於 2009-2-12 22:56
that means the main / center / surround speaker also provide whole frequency range even a sub is there.... then for a sound with frequency of 70Hz will be produced by all the speakers including the sub -> too much bass in result
不如你將你部 amp 和 subwoofer 既 model 寫出呢, 等各位師兄可以 具體 幫到你 。
例如: 你部 amp 可唔可以 set cut-off freq. 呢? 有 model 名, 有d 師兄就知道了。 ...
JamesK 發表於 2009-2-13 12:54
amp 606 5.1喇叭 canton120mx
說明書:crossove:this control relates to the upper cut-off frequency reproduced by your sub-w(65hz).all frequencies above the set level will be cut off by 12 or 24 db/octave(high cut) and not reproduced.the level is primarily based on the lower cut-off frequency of the other loudspeaker in your system
volume:the vol control allows you to change the volof your sub-w andtherefore the intensity of the low bass reproduction (0db) turning to the right increases the vol and turning to the left reduces the vol.use the vol control to customise the vol of the canton sub-w to match the other loudspeaker in your system.
sub-w後面有兩按鈕 crossover(hz) 65 70 80 95 110 130 150
vol(db)-80 -18 -12 -6 0 +6 +9
我設+6db 80hz ,跟著音場設定
FL 3m(-4db) C 2.7m(-6db) FR 2.7m(-5db) SL 1.2m(-6db) SR 1.5m(-4db) sub-w 4.5m(-15db)
150hz 150hz 150hz 100hz