explorerhk 發表於 2012-1-10 22:32

explorerhk 兄:


吾知你有冇機會測試 5i-AD hifi 顶级数字媒体/高清播放器 支持母带 3D DT ...
cs106 發表於 2012-1-10 22:23 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


namdaor 發表於 2012-1-10 22:34

allenyu 發表於 2012-1-10 17:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

[ MySiLU 思路高清影视 首页 ]

bmonkey999 發表於 2012-1-11 00:08

回復 72# namdaor

    See This Link http://www.jd-bbs.com/thread-3481558-1-1.html

poohpoohguy 發表於 2012-1-11 00:09

本帖最後由 poohpoohguy 於 2012-1-11 00:13 編輯

我諗你要等有gigabit port o既Media Player 先會有機會順. 我用開N3+internal harddisk, 其實都好方便,...
explorerhk 發表於 2012-1-6 10:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Explorerhk ching,

long time no see, and thanks again for your previous suggestion, it was wonderful and great !!!
regarding to NAS storage, i got a alternate solution for it ......it is cheap, reliable and value for money, but most importantly it is great for performance.

Referring to this link, http://www.hkepc.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=1733674&extra=page%3D1 , you can get a 萬由N600, which is 6 bays NAS style case for $1200 HKD (including delivery). Then go to SSP get a Mini-ITX board (around $1000) with i3-2100 ($929) with 8GB RAM ($260) with a 250 watts power supply ($300), with everything all up, the total would be around $3700, install FreeNAS 7 on it, then you will have very powerful and fully featured NAS. And the NAS is comparable the commerical grade NAS device.

To give you an example, this is how I was using it,

1) Watching 25GB MKV ( Xtreamer Pro :( )
2) BT downloading ( one of the feature of FreeNAS)
3) Backing up files on the wireless LAN
4) VMware ESXi ( iSCSI target)

I did all the above at the same time without interruption/lag while watching the 25GB mkv over the network. And also a NAS setup like that, barely used over 50w (measured) of power. The cons is the 10/100 ethernet on the xtreamer pro. I can play 36GB ts file, but with lag/jitter. I need a player with a gigabit ethernet. hahah :P

The above setup have 6 bays, therefore you can fit 2,3,4 TB per bay, therefore you can potentially build a 24TB storage for 3.7k hkd (hdd exclusive of course) ... hahaha

explorerhk 發表於 2012-1-11 16:38

本帖最後由 explorerhk 於 2012-1-11 16:51 編輯

Explorerhk ching,

long time no see, and thanks again for your previous suggestion, it was wonde ...
poohpoohguy 發表於 2012-1-11 00:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

唔洗客氣, 最緊要幫到你.

我唔係唔識砌機, 但就係唔想攪咁多野, 風險又大亦覺唔抵, 我曾幾何時有諗過買NAS or PC做NAS,但我問自己我有乜必要online 晒6隻2TB係個network到嗎? 如果無必要, 咁點解要洗呢D錢呢? 我而家係主PC有隻500GB 專係做BT, 一攪掂就經 removable hard disk mount 抄落去隻2TB到, 跟住令去N3到睇. 睇完唔keep果d就即delete, 到呢隻hard disk 爆左我就收起, 買過一隻新黎咁做, 跟住我會係主機到keep住個list 記住 d hard disks 入面有乜files, 要睇邊個file就令果隻hard disk去N3, 我覺得咁樣已經超方便, 又唔洗下下online 晒d files. 再者我當你做6-bay 2TB NAS行RAID-5, 都係得10TB, 爆左點都係要炒落另一隻hard disk到, 都係一樣煩, 何況我真係覺得無必要要online晒d files, 因為正常人太舊D file係好少會羅黎睇. 何況最平買隻5-bay NAS都要2千幾, hardisk 未加價前已經夠我買4-5隻2TB, 可以放到2-3年D files.

還有你用4TB 放落6-Bay NAS 去built 24TB storage, 即係行RAID 0, 一死全部24TB 死晒, 好大的risk, 最少都行返RAID 5啦, 即max 20TB. 但順便同你講講, 你built到咁大storage 仲有1個risk係, 如果你要轉NAS牌子, 你去邊到搵20TB去暫時炒起D野. 如果你唔好彩係死NAS轉過第2隻你就煩喇, 當你唔轉牌子, 新舊model NAS 未必行返同一張RAID controller, 所以未必compatible架, 個RAID 又係會死晒, 如果轉牌子就梗加唔洗講啦, 99%讀唔返. 但我用stand-alone hard disk 就唔同, 死邊隻最多無2TB野, 死極都有泡.

以上只係我自己唔買原因, 無意得罪.

phoenix510 發表於 2012-1-11 16:57

回復 75# explorerhk


Lamtwai 發表於 2012-1-11 19:05

己買了此機,畫及音質非常好,音質看電影後面D喇吧多好多聲,分聲好好,之前用 xtreamer pro是無得比,但此機最大問題是軟件需升級,繁体 SRT 係全出亂碼,简体冇事,用繁体語言做主機設定,可以主機首頁全黑冇畫面,此機對繁体一定升级了才好買,大家等等好了,但佢行ISO真得很好,

explorerhk 發表於 2012-1-11 21:07

本帖最後由 explorerhk 於 2012-1-11 23:58 編輯

己買了此機,畫及音質非常好,音質看電影後面D喇吧多好多聲,分聲好好,之前用 xtreamer pro是無得比,但此機最 ...
Lamtwai 發表於 2012-1-11 19:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

繁体 SRT 係全出亂碼 - 你試下將個srt file 係電腦用notepad 開, 跟住save as UTF-8 format, 唔可以用ANSI, 咁就會正常返架啦. 呢個問題我用N3時都一樣有.

主機首頁全黑冇畫面 - 我都有同樣問題, 問左代理佢話係因為繁体menu未寫好, 所以無main screen.

poohpoohguy 發表於 2012-1-11 23:45

回復 78# explorerhk

Thanks for the reply explorer hing.
My current NAS setup doesn't have raid at all. I don't wanna lose all the data as you said, therefore I individually mount each drive. But anyway, all i was suggesting my personal experience to share with others ;) Oh also, Freenas uses linux filesystem, therefore any pc get read the file if I happened to pull the drive out.

I am very interested in this unit, but I am wonder if I should get it now or not. Since you said ( and other ching who bought the unit also said) the firmware is not 100% yet. Cos I mainly play the movies over the network, therefore the network function is a must to me. Should I wait or should I get it now ?

explorerhk 發表於 2012-1-11 23:57

本帖最後由 explorerhk 於 2012-1-11 23:58 編輯


Thanks for the reply explorer hing.
My current NAS setup doesn't have raid at all ...
poohpoohguy 發表於 2012-1-11 23:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

如果你major 用network, 我建議你都係等下先.
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