請問ching介後置原裝喇叭假幾錢? Very nicex2!{:1_332:} mind to tell me how much u got it for?
blindfaith3by8 發表於 2011-12-13 16:16 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Re: 別見笑AV組合(Scandyna + Marantz)
好正! 回復 1# lun1211very good{:6_149:} 回復 1# lun1211
紅色speaker夠晒搶眼醒目.{:6_193:} Very nice system!!
Love the art, especially the price.Do you mind giving me the contact for the art? {:6_193:} 好正{:6_193:} 各位Ching,其實我咁既格局,中置係咪唔係好夠呢? 一set馬仔好正