lcktemp 發表於 2012-8-21 14:33

本帖最後由 lcktemp 於 2012-8-21 14:57 編輯

回復 20# herbertluk

今次到我部X3出事, 用左四百個小時,2D:3D最多1:5,燈泡指示燈出閃橙,最可惜係買左美國水機,好在買左MACKCAM四年保養,但係都唔知CLAIM唔CLAIM到。 部機試過LOCK機4至5次,FIRMWARE係應該最新,臨死前都睇緊無事,燈泡無特別變暗,但係今次一關機又LOCK機,錦就玩完!多次關機LOCK機都知道遲早死,可憐,點解成四皮野買套野反黎會LOCK機,又唔係我哋自己安裝OS或者軟件,絕對係錫住嚟用,但係FIRMWARE成年無新版本,點解! 真係廢物!LOCK機係咪FIRMWARE解決唔到嘅問題? 如果係係咪遮係硬件設計問題?

唔係整係錢問題,一部投射壞機真係好Q困難,又重又要等! D設計未穩定就衝出市場去攞market share,真XX!!!今事今日好小好小電器要硬關,連WINDOWS都好小好小要咁攪,所以呢部機正xx! X3本身就要用大增益幕先可以正常睇3D,鬼影呢D算!跟住X30睇番avsforum大部份人都講跟本亮度同鬼影跟本接近無改善,但係又老吹好大改良!所以呢,xxxx!

breadvan 發表於 2012-8-21 16:03

回復 21# lcktemp

Feel bad for you, light bulb dimming is a known issue for X3, so far there is no real consensus whether the bulb on the X30 is any better or worse, I’m just keeping my fingers crossed for mine.

For lock up I suppose you have already unplug power cord right?Have you tried JVC HK to see if you can JOIN their local warranty?

DragonI 發表於 2012-8-21 16:58

以我以前用開的JVC經驗,JVC易壞。以前玩開JVC S-VHS機,之后我不會再買JVC。

lcktemp 發表於 2012-8-21 17:40

本帖最後由 lcktemp 於 2012-8-21 18:05 編輯


Feel bad for you, light bulb dimming is a known issue for X3, so far there is no rea ...
breadvan 發表於 2012-8-21 16:03

Mine didnt dim much, but actually it didnt bright at the beginning, haha, but I think it is the unusual shutdown caused the bulb and then the machine failure.

Just get quoted from the dealer and it offered no local warranty for me and replied that everything need special care because it is not a local.Special care means expensive but not guarantee and will take much longer time.If it is really a local or foreign matter, it is ok, I should take the risk of buying a non-local goods.But what really pissed is that the problem is a well known problem of X3 7 9 lamp design fault or prematurely dead (but the worst part is it can lock your projector down even if you buy a new bulb from the local dealer), but JVC dont seems bother about it.What I meant is that if a company knows their projector have some very undesired issue, they should handle it with a unusual routine even if that projector is not currently at the right location, JVC should offer customer a free check to see if it is caused by the known design fault.If yes, they should at least offer me something more reasonable.If not, follow the usual routine.Right?

Now, o, you need to pay a big check.Sorry .....I would say, no more next time, I am now going to buy the Sony.

lcktemp 發表於 2012-8-21 18:15

本帖最後由 lcktemp 於 2012-8-21 18:17 編輯


Feel bad for you, light bulb dimming is a known issue for X3, so far there is no rea ...
breadvan 發表於 2012-8-21 16:03

forgot to say : I unplugged the cord everytime within 30 seconds when it seems locked up and I dont what else I can do...... I dont know unplug or keep plugging will be better and I dont know would any actions will cause overheated or not.... ai.....

kalmac 發表於 2012-8-21 21:06

消委會同壹仔+方向報 幫到你

lcktemp 發表於 2012-8-21 21:17

消委會同壹仔+方向報 幫到你
kalmac 發表於 2012-8-21 21:06


而家唔知寄翻US定點,寄翻US可能果間MACKCAM又賴燈泡正常BURN OUT唔認數!

我X3之前用HD250行貨,HD250用左6百7百小時到,二手賣比另外一個司兄,上嚟試機好哋哋,搬左走第日開唔到機,結果有單有據證實死燈泡,OK我負責任一人一半,又無千幾銀!6百7百小時左右算係低用量,一年幾貨仔,燈泡郁下都死! HD250從未試穿過鎖機,所以信任JVC再幫趁!

今日拎部機去(攜蔥)整,收機2100,無問題! 跟住同我講有排等,因為要直接向日本攞PARTS,無問題! 跟住同我講要有舊燈泡先得,我答後補,個CS女仔無問題話OK! 跟手幾分鐘左右,幕後(所謂師夫)有人講一定要有燈泡先收,所以叫我拎走! 我講CHECK燈泡問題唔一定要我個爛燈泡吓嘩,你哋總有D試機野幫到手吓嘩! 佢答果D只係供行貨用,我真係吹拿漲,(我心諗, 咁螺絲批洗唔洗分水用行用呀!)咁我再問,如果比左你整,咁部機用日本新燈泡都唔掂,咁我係咪要照比日本燈泡錢,佢答咁又唔係! 呢D muc 邏輯先!!!大佬部機四十幾磅,你要個燈泡可能要證明D野,但係要人拎走部機,唔比後補,過份D吓嘩!好多人真係要拎假先去得到佢哋D服務中心!真係無X人性,XXX!



kalmac 發表於 2012-8-21 21:41

email to JVC JP headquarter... does it help?
回復 27# lcktemp

LamP001 發表於 2012-8-22 06:06

pac 發表於 2011-12-5 14:47


lcktemp 發表於 2012-8-22 09:15

本帖最後由 lcktemp 於 2012-8-22 09:30 編輯

email to JVC JP headquarter... does it help?
kalmac 發表於 2012-8-21 21:41

I will contact the ebay seller tonight to ask for his assistance.   I think the chance of succeed is better at US than Japan.BUT,Ifit happen again, maybe 100 hours, maybe 700, what to do?besides, even the X3 2D performance is really good, watching 3D with X3 is really a suffering thing to do. It is flickering, ghosting, damning low light intensity without a polarity retaining screen.

If the problem is purely bulb (and so $$), it is fine.But the main problem is the machine LOCK-UP.Even I buy a new official bulb wont help to make it work. Or for those who owned a 行機 X3 or 7 or 9 or 30, if the warranty expired and the machine locked up like mine, they needed to move the machine to the dealer or ask a technician to come to home, that's really will cost a fortune.
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