發表於 2011-7-17 00:52
講資歷真係唔夠你老...我玩山葉都係玩咗8年左右, 要由垃圾級別升呢, 恐怕仲要玩多十年八載. Terry哥你實 ...
MSZ 發表於 2011-7-17 00:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
發表於 2011-7-17 13:44
Yes, I am from Toronto.
Have left home two years due to a beautiful woman who stucks me here. Don't realise the new Spendid Mall has come to business, just heard that a new chinese mall to be placed next to Century Plaza(Steele & Ferrier). Will say hello once my driving license and health card come to expiry.
發表於 2011-7-17 23:55
Yes, I am from Toronto.
Have left home two years due to a beautiful woman who stucks me here. Don't ...
garywsyu 發表於 2011-7-17 13:44 http://www3.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我早兩個月番咗去大陸搵女(相睇), 結果都係無功而回. 你真係幸福呀, gary兄.{:6_149:}
發表於 2011-7-18 11:48
there are so many wi'ves at your possession..........(相睇) isn't a good option especially in China.
Back to the topic; what make you become the member of "society"? Where you have your first audition on Yammies?
發表於 2011-7-18 12:06
there are so many wi'ves at your possession..........(相睇) isn't a good option especially in China.
Back to the topic; what make you become the member of "society"? Where you have your first audition on Yammies?
garywsyu 發表於 2011-7-18 11:48 http://www3.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Toronto都冇女人嘅, believe it or not, China is basically my ONLY option.
愛上山葉係由我第一部receiver開始...HTR-5640(RX-V440), 鐘意佢果種粒粒清嘅聲底. 之後再upgrade上RX-V663, NS-555等等...就行上呢條不歸路. 我下個目標係等部P記51FD打柴, 之後就買山葉嘅BD機{:6_174:}
發表於 2011-7-18 15:41
I used to play tennis at Blackmore(bayview & HWY7), lots of nicety though......be patient, dude.
"Clear & Crisp" seems a strong point for yamaha. Besides, do you find them musical?
My favorite speaker brand is B&W, have heard Big ching's 802D last Fall(in China), superb sounding, head to toe.........very nice! Have auditioned 802S and 805D at AV Pavilion, Langham Square.............GOOD indeed.
Anyway, the asking price for contemporaray speakers is sky high, I have to satisfy my desire to 30 years oldie NS speaker. Great!......get myself drown into sound and music again.
發表於 2011-7-18 18:33
I used to play tennis at Blackmore(bayview & HWY7), lots of nicety though......be patient, dude.
"Clear & Crisp" seems a strong point for yamaha. Besides, do you find them musical?
My favorite speaker brand is B&W, have heard Big ching's 802D last Fall(in China), superb sounding, head to toe.........very nice! Have auditioned 802S and 805D at AV Pavilion, Langham Square.............GOOD indeed.
Anyway, the asking price for contemporaray speakers is sky high, I have to satisfy my desire to 30 years oldie NS speaker. Great!......get myself drown into sound and music again.
garywsyu 發表於 2011-7-18 15:41 http://www3.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
B&W800系列...師兄真係識貨, 我一直仲係停留喺呢啲入門階段...
山葉啲產品我唔會覺得有音樂感, 相反, 會好容易暴露隻CD嘅弱點, 絕對唔會好似某啲牌子咁加油添醋, 多加修飾. 呢個情況喺我買咗A-S1000 + NS-555之後就更加明顯. 不過我都唔敢講係唔係100%我部A-S1000嘅功勞, 因為部source係P記DV-79AVi. 而家聽歌都變得要求高咗, 以前好鐘意聽日本AVEX其下啲歌手, 而家全部唔聽得, 因為啲錄音真係太垃圾.
發表於 2011-7-18 22:52
It is pretty tricky to explain the degree of musicality on particular speaker. My humble opinion on NS series are musical pieces. How? it all depends on many factors and criteria; listening envirnoment, temperature, darkness, humidity, etc., etc. Simply a good musical recording also plays an important role to the level of enjoyment. A lovely smile from your boss would be another contribution to all.
發表於 2011-7-19 05:01
It is pretty tricky to explain the degree of musicality on particular speaker. My humble opinion on...
garywsyu 發表於 2011-7-18 22:52 http://www3.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
坦白講我用緊嘅係入門NS, 你同Terry用嘅係傳奇型號, 冇可能相題並論...{:6_125:}
發表於 2011-7-19 06:54
B&W800系列...師兄真係識貨, 我一直仲係停留喺呢啲入門階段...
山葉啲產品我唔會覺得有音樂感, 相反, ...
MSZ 發表於 2011-7-18 18:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif