MSZ 發表於 2011-12-4 03:11


ez1 發表於 2011-12-4 09:19

回復 3# MSZ

Hello Yamaha gang, I lived in Markham more than 10 years, just want to say hello to Toronto guy. Are you in HK now? {:6_141:}

MSZ 發表於 2011-12-4 09:27


Hello Yamaha gang, I lived in Markham more than 10 years, just want to say hello to T ...
ez1 發表於 2011-12-4 09:19


ez1 發表於 2011-12-4 09:29

回復 62# garywsyu
Hello Gary hing, just want to say hello to Toronto guys, I left Toronto already 4 years, how is Century Plaza at Ferrier? Is T&T supermarket at Steels going good? it's crazy busy there, even I went there at 23:00 to shop, there were so many people.

ez1 發表於 2011-12-4 09:35

回復 93# MSZ

Have a white X'mas, I missed Toronto Casinos, Fallsview and Rama.

MSZ 發表於 2011-12-4 09:46


Have a white X'mas, I missed Toronto Casinos, Fallsview and Rama.
ez1 發表於 2011-12-4 09:35

你哋去賭場仲方便啦, 過一過大海就到喇.{:6_176:}

ez1 發表於 2011-12-4 10:25

回復 96# MSZ

    Go to Rama and Fallsview only cost C$5, to Macao at least $500

MSZ 發表於 2011-12-4 10:50


    Go to Rama and Fallsview only cost C$5, to Macao at least $500
ez1 發表於 2011-12-4 10:25

唔可以咁計嘅, 你過大海有十幾間賭場, 仲有其他野玩, 有野食. 呢邊你一離開咗個賭場就係死城.

ez1 發表於 2011-12-4 11:33

回復 98# MSZ

MSZ hing, at Fallsview you can go Lundy Lane Outlet Mall, Sky Dome, to see the rainbows at the falls and even cross the border to US side there's Casino Senneca, take a taxi to outlet mall only 10 minutes drive, at Rama, there are a lot of places good to go.

MSZ 發表於 2011-12-4 12:31


MSZ hing, at Fallsview you can go Lundy Lane Outlet Mall, Sky Dome, to see the rainbows...
ez1 發表於 2011-12-4 11:33

Well, which city do you prefer to stay in? Macau or Niagara/Buffalo?

I say 90% of the people would pick Macau over Niagara.
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查看完整版本: MSZ的垃圾級YAMAHA山葉西裝(8/27/17 p.1 #1 update - Sony XBR55X900E)

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