Viablue一家親之NF-S1 Silver Quattro RCA
話說小弟之前喺德國收咗個好重既箱返嚟, 裡面一堆嘢宜家先慢慢去清貨: {:6_177:}
今次係既主角係Viablue NF-S1 Silver Quattro 線, 去相 {:6_142:}
Viablue T6S RCA plugs
唔要張白紙, 見網
裡面仲有一層網, 其實唔使將全部網都要做成線, 總之包到個線芯做成負極
入落rca頭, 用六角匙扭實就得, 呢隻唔使焊
同場加演, 扮原廠線!!
先入蛇網, 用熱縮膠定位
同之前一樣, 入好rca頭再套返外殼上去
宜家小弟部audio-gd nbf-12全部線都係viablue出品, x40 pc, nf-75同軸, nf-s1 rca, KR-2 Silver USB同埋化震腳, 真係同廠一家親!! {:6_174:}
比起之前小弟diy嗰條pa-02, nf-s1相對較為夾宜家套架生同耳仔, 分析力同音場闊度都有所提升, 可幸既係連人聲結象都好好, 都聽得幾清楚喺我前額出聲, 而樂器定位亦相當不俗!! {:6_122:}
而加咗filter既扮原廠線相對無filter既就較為靜, 喺未煲好既情況下雜音都唔算多, 煲多百幾粒鐘應該會有更好既表現, 啱晒小弟鍾意聽jazz, bossa nova同有少少追中高音分析力既喜好!! {:6_182:}
多謝觀看!! {:6_162:} 本帖最後由 ykluk 於 2011-11-23 00:43 編輯
比多啲資料大家參考下條線既用料: {:6_142:}
NF-S1 Silver Quattro Analogue
The balanced construction has two inner tin-plated 0.5 mm2 copper wires with 19 individual strands (19 x 0.185 mm) and polyethylene insulation. Two twisted PVC insulators are used as fillers. The Quattro Silver Shield multiple screening has two ALU-PETP films and two silver-plated spiral wrap screens running in opposite directions with fine 0.15 mm strands. There is a felt layer between the screen and the outer cladding to protect the outer silver screen. NF-S1 has an outside diameter of 8 mm.
T6S RCA plugs
ViaBlue™ T6s rca plugs have contact pins made of bronze which are 24 carat gold-plated. The shells are made of aluminum. Cables up to 9.5 mm diameters can be installed. All connectors of the T6s series are supplied including two diameter decreasers. Those diameter decreasers make an assembly of cables with small and big diameter possible and grant a firm strain relief.
Each T6s plug contains two diameter decreasers which serve for a firm strain relief and centric adjustment of the cables. The small diameter decreaser has an outter diameter of 7.5 mm and an inner diameter of 4.5 mm. Thus cables with an outter diameter of 3 mm up to 4.5 mm can be fixed firmly. The big diameter decreaser has an outter diameter of 9.5 mm and an inner diameter of 7.5 mm. Thus cables with an outter diameter from 5 mm to 7.5 mm can be fixed firmly. Without using any diameter decreaser cables with diameters from 7.5 mm to 9.5 mm can be installed. 果然係vb die hard fans! 果然係vb die hard fans!
liclic 發表於 2011-11-23 00:42
一堆貨買, 無可能唔買埋嚟試啦!! {:6_143:} 一堆貨買, 無可能唔買埋嚟試啦!!
ykluk 發表於 2011-11-23 00:43
可以同我條qed pk 下鳥!哈哈。ps: 我預左輸。 可以同我條qed pk 下鳥!哈哈。ps: 我預左輸。
liclic 發表於 2011-11-23 00:46
Sorry, 小弟唔鍾意廠線, 仲要係qed...{:6_188:}
不過唔係關佢表現事, 純粹個人喜好only!! {:6_176:} {:6_193:}support 用哂viable,起碼感覺夾聲d+好似六師兄靚仔d{:6_139:} 好有心機,好手工!{:6_193:} 所有線材用單一係列同特性,聲音變化會比較少同單調,
搵隻女聲慢歌聽吓有冇唔同左! 所有線材用單一係列同特性,聲音變化會比較少同單調,
全用鍍銀線高音會唔會over左,中低頻及人聲收太快太 ...
KING 發表於 2011-11-23 08:01
我自己覺得ok喎,可能如小瑟講,我係一個追高音嘅人。又有可能係93用緊條AET hin evo,啲聲仲有少少嘅甜味!{:6_182:}