alexwrx 發表於 2010-10-12 12:22

回復 200# lemonstar

    Ching your hi - fi rack is so nice , can U pm me where to buy it ? thx

gorrick 發表於 2010-10-12 14:24


bh72bh72 發表於 2010-10-12 14:26


lemonstar 發表於 2010-10-12 19:44

Hi Lemonstar, is the Rotel power amp 1582 a good match to B&W CM7? How's the sound quality for stere ...
dynon 發表於 2010-10-7 11:39

To be honest, I didn't try any high end power amp to push CM7, so I really don't have any comparison between my existing 1582 to others.
I don't have golden ears, and I am not a professional Audio/Video player/user, so to me... the rotel has already given me a credit to A & V.
I have experienced quite a number of front speakers, I must say, CM7 is not a best buy, however, taken the outlook/brand/sound performance/'thick' sound effect, I like it very much.
I must say the combination of rotel+b&w is very 'british', using my 5507 pre amp for 2 channel, I would say the outcome is like a taste of coffee, it's smooth, gentle, quite good performance at smooth jazz indeed. Of course, the onkyo is just an AV pre, I strongly believe adding a rotel pre 2 channel + cd player would definitely enhance the sound quality and effect of the overall listening environment. For AV, the combination doesn't create strong/fast pace action tone, nothing like punchy and harsh (e.g.MK/JBL/Klipsch...etc.), however, I do think it's quite a good A & V combo (and many c hings are using cm7 too~)
Just my little opinion, hope that helps~ ^^

lemonstar 發表於 2010-10-12 19:47


    Ching your hi - fi rack is so nice , can U pm me where to buy it ? thx
alexwrx 發表於 2010-10-12 12:22

Thanks ching.
I designed it with my custom dimensions (it's shorter than the usual 600mm width racks) and ask factory to manufacture~ {:6_142:}
It's merely MDF+ hand brush paint finish

dynon 發表於 2010-10-13 22:10

Thanks lemonstar Ching.
I am thinking to get the CM9 + Marantz SR7005. If i have extra budget then i might consider to get Rotel 1582 for the front left and right to use.

laiiii 發表於 2010-10-13 22:46

It,s nice and I like cm7 too!

lemonstar 發表於 2010-10-13 23:25

Thanks lemonstar Ching.
I am thinking to get the CM9 + Marantz SR7005. If i have extra budget then i ...
dynon 發表於 2010-10-13 22:10

I like CM9 very much too, the bass output is obviously stronger than CM7, however it's too expensive for me~
Marantz + b&w combo will be very musical I believe, however base to other users opinions, b&w is one hungry power eater (the more power you give, the better sound performance you get from b&w spks), so adding power amp. is definitely an advantage to A&V.
I recommend ching go to central or tst showroom, call them for appointment and the requested setup (spks+ rotels), showroom staff is very willingly for buyers to audit, and that's why I did before.

lemonstar 發表於 2010-11-9 20:37

本帖最後由 lemonstar 於 2010-11-9 20:42 編輯

Update @Nov/2010
差唔多三年內, Surround由傑士RS10到KEF C1再到...{:6_134:}
英走的走-自然是KEF C1走了, 這對千零蚊的surround, 只可說一貫KEF的特性, 而以最入門的書架來說, 我都沒有什麼要求了{:6_146:}
自從換上B&W的前中, 心裡總想着同一品牌的surround才算完整而夾聲
但由於B&W的surround喇吧幾大隻, 我又立定唔到主意, 所以一時刻亦沒有實行upgrade的念頭{:6_147:}

雖然不什美觀, 但兩口子的家也沒什麼所謂了{:6_241:}

(反而開箱文唔多講, Ricoy師兄之前都拍過點照了)


Project 開始找來對面屋裝修唔用既板, 諗住用把'saw'會攪店

cut左2個鐘頭, 頂唔順, 又唔直

原先的surround/surround back bracket都要先拆下對吼位



木板ok了, 便要預備上鑼絲既位




第二日繼續surround back





聲底一致, 都夾CM糸列
比以前裝低左既DS3同686, 環繞聲更好但又不失空間感
Surround要將av pre amp的channel level調低3-4個db, 反而surround back 的686的抗阻值同ds3不同
感覺是現有power amp未能發揮surround back~ 不過都用住及要煲吓先
用一排全80hz試吓, 幾個月後再調調settings

ricoy288 發表於 2010-11-10 00:07


師兄你真犀利,好好心機DIY去掛起晒4隻 spk, 仲要出圖比Boss先批.
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查看完整版本: Lemonstar的小小影院(Update@Oct2011 pg25#250)

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