law1987 發表於 2008-12-30 14:17

Media Player: WD TV (Gen1) (Gen2) (Mini) (Live) Update Firmware

本帖最後由 law1987 於 2010-4-28 10:47 編輯

New Features:

Added .MKV chapter selection for video playback for MKV with chapter support

Added .MTS file extension support

Added .TP file extension support

Added .TS file extension support

Added 1080p 24hz support

Added disk volume name to folder navigation in list mode

Added EXIF orientation flag functionality for auto picture rotate

Added file size in filename

Added jump feature to the remote: While fast forwarding or reversing, if the “Next” or “Prev” buttons are pressed, video will jump 10 minutes in the respective direction

Added progress indicator for the duration of the FF or REV function

Added a blinking status LED behavior while drive is mounting; previously the light just stayed on

Added sequential .M2TS file playback function

Added additional subtitle support (SMI, SUB, ASS, SSA)

Added user selectable font size for subtitle support

Added song title scroll in music playback to prevent truncation

Added embedded subtitle display in .MKV files

Added additional subtitle encoding support for the following: Western Europe (ISO), Traditional Chinese (Big5), Simplified Chinese (GB18030), Japanese (Shift-JIS), Korean (EUC-KR), Cyrillic (Windows-1251), Cyrillic (KOI8-R), Greek (ISO); previously only UTF-8 was supported

Added display sizing menu for photo playback: Fit to Screen, Full Screen, Keep as Original

Added accelerating scroll speed based on how long the arrow is held down on the remote when navigating folders with a large number of files; previously only one, constant speed was available

WD TV™ HD Media Player 1.01.01 Firmware Release Notes 3
Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue when 2 drives were connected, then one drive was disconnected, the files from the disconnected drive still showed up on the file list but were not playable

Resolved "repeat one" failure during music playback; previously songs would not repeat

Resolved artist name truncation issue during music playback

Resolved issue where WD TV would not turn back on with remote after extended period of inactivity; previously WD TV had to be unplugged and was unrecoverable with the remote

Resolved image size and position issues during video playback; previously the image displayed did not fill the screen until the picture was zoomed in and then out again

Resolved info bar display issues in PAL (European display standard) mode

Resolved issue of the slideshow playing while in the Option menu during playback, slideshow now pauses if the Option menu is accessed

Resolved issues surrounding drives going to “sleep” and folders showing as empty; previously drives equipped with a sleep feature would not re-initialize before the WD TV timed out and displayed the folders as empty

Resolved issues with DVR-MS file playback, FF and REV now function properly; previously FF or REV during a DVR-MS file would cause the file to stop playing and the video signal to be lost

Resolved issues with forced resolution changes dropping video signal; previously the signal would be lost if the user switched between forced resolution and auto

Resolved photo self re-sizing issue; previously during photo playback the pictures would randomly re-size themselves

Resolved Status LED behavior by blinking to reflect accurate read cycles while data is being read; previously the LED just stayed on

Resolved subtitle default to “on” issue (subtitles now default to “off”, unless there is an external subtitle file created, then subtitles default to “on”)

Resolved subtitle position issue, the subtitles were moved down towards bottom of screen; previously during playback of some files subtitles were positioned too high blocking the view of the video

Resolved the 1-2 second FF during initial playback of .MPG video; previously video would play in what appeared to be FF for the first 1-2 seconds and then slow to standard play rate

Resolved video signal failure when pan function in video files with subtitles is used; previously subtitles would stop functioning, video would stop playing, or TV would lose signal

Resolved zoom issues while file info is displayed during video playback; previously signal would fail or video would stop playing

Resolved zooming issues while subtitles were on; previously the screen used to go black and the video would stop playing

law1987 發表於 2008-12-30 14:17

wil-wil 發表於 2008-12-31 03:42

Thanks for your support!
How's about the performance?
Any comments?

law1987 發表於 2008-12-31 05:10


wil-wil 發表於 2008-12-31 12:35

ic ... How much?
Wait for your report & hope you will enjoy it!
Happy New Year!

law1987 發表於 2008-12-31 05:10

law1987 發表於 2009-1-11 15:20

本帖最後由 law1987 於 2009-1-11 15:23 編輯

ic ... How much?
Wait for your report & hope you will enjoy it!
Happy New Year!

wil-wil 發表於 2008-12-31 12:35 PM
好鬼細部, $880左右

law1987 發表於 2009-7-17 16:59


wil-wil 發表於 2009-7-17 17:21

Thanks you info!

law1987 發表於 2009-7-17 16:59

雷因 發表於 2009-7-17 17:25

law1987 發表於 2009-7-17 16:59

thanks law兄

lkljason 發表於 2009-7-17 20:43

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查看完整版本: Media Player: WD TV (Gen1) (Gen2) (Mini) (Live) Update Firmware

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