law1987 發表於 2009-7-17 21:39

What's New?

Prerelease 1.02.10 (includes all previously released updates)

Fixed Items:

    * Greek subtitles now render properly. Previously they rendered slowly, causing them to briefly flash on the screen.
    * Korean subtitles now render properly. Previously they disappeared during video playback.
    * Playlists play in the correct order. Previously they played files in alphabetical order.

Added feature:

    * Metadata support for music improved over previous releases. For example, browsing by genre is broken down into artists, then albums, then tracks.

Known issues:

    * A few text strings were not translated properly over different UI languages

Prerelease 1.02.08

    * Enhanced cover art, album art, and thumbnail support for media files and folders
    * Additional subtitle languages and decoding support
    * Improved media playback and navigation
    * More audio formats for MKV container
    * Fixed bugs reported by the WD TV user community

Release 1.01

    * Even more video file formats supported
    * Improved subtitle support. Additional advanced features added
    * Enhanced Matroska (MKV) support for chapters and subtitles
    * Enhanced media playback and navigation
    * Improved power management

lkljason 發表於 2009-7-17 21:59

thanks Law

lkljason 發表於 2010-4-25 23:44

本帖最後由 lkljason 於 2010-4-30 21:33 編輯

Version 1.03 Now Available!            
We've received tremendous feedback on WD TV and some great suggestions to   improve the product even more. In response to your requests, we're pleased to offer product enhancements to make your viewing experience better than ever. Updating your media player is   simple. Just follow the instructions below, grab your remote and enjoy the show!            
What's New?            
Release 1.03 (11/9/2009)
(includes all previously released updates)            [*]Added video playlist support[*]Added support for the drive lock function on the new My Passport and My Book external storage devices[*]Improved metadata support for music. For example, browsing by genre is broken down into artists, then albums, then tracks[*]Enhanced cover art, album art, and thumbnail support for media files and folders[*]Fixed bugs reported by the WD TV user community


law1987 發表於 2010-4-28 10:37

本帖最後由 law1987 於 2010-4-28 10:42 編輯

This update is for the newest generation of the WD TV HD Media Player (model:WDBABF0000NBK) (Gen 2)

Release 1.01.77 (12/3/09)
(includes all previously released updates)

* This critical update improves the reliability and performance of the WD TV product update manager. It's important to install this update to ensure the reliability of all future software and firmware updates.

law1987 發表於 2010-4-28 10:41

We're pleased to offer the following updates for your WD TV Live HD media player. Updating your media player is simple. Just follow the instructions below, grab your remote and enjoy the show!

What's in this update?
Release 1.02.21 (3/30/10)

    * Added Play To support for Microsoft Windows 7.
    * Added external subtitle location options (Up/Down arrows).
    * Added larger subtitle font size options.
    * Added Western European language input for keyboard.
    * Other bug fixes and product improvements (see release notes).

law1987 發表於 2010-4-28 10:46

We're pleased to offer the following updates for your WD TV Mini media player. Updating your media player is simple. Just follow the instructions below, grab your remote and enjoy the show!

What's in this update?
Release 1.00.60 (3/22/10)

    * Added user interface language support for: Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Croatian, Polish, Albanian and Serbian.
    * Added UTF-16 subtitle support.
    * Resolved the problem with copying file into HFS+ partition's HDD.
    * Resolved various multi-language text and filename issues.
    * Resolved Hindi ANSI subtitle not being displayed with "Hindi" settings.
    * Other bug fixes and product improvements (see release notes).
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查看完整版本: Media Player: WD TV (Gen1) (Gen2) (Mini) (Live) Update Firmware

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