will3002 發表於 2011-10-26 14:20

Thanks everybody's advice ! Will concentrate on the Int. amp now.

Any suggestions for Int. Amp within the price range 20-25k ?
(it's too many brand names in the world, want to go out to check several targets only)

Any good hifi shops is suitable for Int. amp searching ?

"naim needs to match with a set of CDP and Amp" - It's good for me cos I want to use same brands in future - I need the outlook matching too.

One more question about the Nami's power on, is it common for other Int. amp need to be turned on all the time ? Or it is only the special case for Naim ?

Sorry for too many questions, I'm a new hand without any knowledge on Int. amp !

jasoncmk 發表於 2011-10-26 20:55

回復 11# will3002

    One more question about the Nami's power on, is it common for other Int. amp need to be turned on all the time ? Or it is only the special case for Naim ?

I am the user of nait xs, you need to keep the power on all the time.If you turn off the power for a while, it takes at least a few hours ( or even 1-2 days) to fully warm up the amp.the amp itself is just a little bit warm (some people can say it is not even wrong) even you keep playing the music for 5 hours.   According to my experience, there is much difference for the power consumption when you keep the power on.
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