Int. Amp / CDP / Speakers
I'm using a cheap cheap 5.1 systems now, the movie part is satisfy for me. I want to upgrade the music part step by step from now, I understand that it can be improved a lot by adding Int. amp / CDP / speakers. If I can only choose 1 of them at this moment (due to the budget), which one will be the most significant improvement ?Budget is $20,000-25,000
My existing cheap cheap equipments :
Pioneer 72, B&W 604s2 (very old model), and OPPO-93
Any suggestions (Pop / Rock music the most) ?
Thank you ! I suggest a int.amp first if you think your speakers is good enough, otherwise, speakers first. Any suggestion of Int. Amp ? Many brothers talked about Naim, how much NAIT XS in HK ? I checked the list price is GBP1,495 in website.
How about the speakers ? CM9 or KEF XQ40 is better ? I've no idea how's the improvement with my old model S604. (I tried in the showrooms to have a test, but both of them are using very expensive amp and cable to connect with it, everything's is good in the showrooms)
Thanks again. 睇下你最終想換幾多野及幾時換, 我估計換Amp的改善最大, 但有風險將來換Speaker時無必可以同個Amp好夾, 因為用Amp就Speaker始終風險最低, 我覺得如果你短時期再換第二樣野不如換Speaker先 I will not upgrade everything within very short time (not enough budget, and also my wife will kill me), plan to upgrade one by one every 6-9 months, then I can feel the "changes" on each equipment.
Need to search more inf. about Int/ amp in here, and concentrate on it.
How about NAIT XS ? is it within my budgeted price range ? I read that the amp need to be turned on all the time, is it power consuming and safe ? For me, if I could upgrade another part in 6 to 9 months, I would upgrade speaker first. As I am not expert, I would afraid not easy finding a suitable speaker for NAIT XS. My limited experience tells me the sound character affected heavily by speakers. Also 20,000 – 25,000 is big money to me. I would not take that risk. In my opinion, except XQ series, I think R series also a better choose
And, the production line for XQ is stop 回復 3# will3002
naim needs to match with a set of CDP and Amp., of course naim is always good! I prefer CM9 to KEF., more musical and also good in AV uesage
回复: Int. Amp / CDP / Speakers
Upgrade to a stereo amp is suggested as u can really feel the improvement. Ur existing speakers shld hv been well run so matching an amp shld be Ok.If upgrading to speakers first, it will take time to run-in and since urs is AV amp, u may not realize the real benefits of the speakers.
U shld, now plan and test out ur end state amp, spkrs and cdp. I suggest amp at first for your present gears