will3002 發表於 2011-10-25 16:15

Int. Amp / CDP / Speakers

I'm using a cheap cheap 5.1 systems now, the movie part is satisfy for me. I want to upgrade the music part step by step from now, I understand that it can be improved a lot by adding Int. amp / CDP / speakers. If I can only choose 1 of them at this moment (due to the budget), which one will be the most significant improvement ?
Budget is $20,000-25,000

My existing cheap cheap equipments :
Pioneer 72, B&W 604s2 (very old model), and OPPO-93

Any suggestions (Pop / Rock music the most) ?

Thank you !

mcleo 發表於 2011-10-25 16:39

I suggest a int.amp first if you think your speakers is good enough, otherwise, speakers first.

will3002 發表於 2011-10-25 17:08

Any suggestion of Int. Amp ? Many brothers talked about Naim, how much NAIT XS in HK ? I checked the list price is GBP1,495 in website.

How about the speakers ? CM9 or KEF XQ40 is better ? I've no idea how's the improvement with my old model S604. (I tried in the showrooms to have a test, but both of them are using very expensive amp and cable to connect with it, everything's is good in the showrooms)

Thanks again.

halfnew 發表於 2011-10-25 17:38

睇下你最終想換幾多野及幾時換, 我估計換Amp的改善最大, 但有風險將來換Speaker時無必可以同個Amp好夾, 因為用Amp就Speaker始終風險最低, 我覺得如果你短時期再換第二樣野不如換Speaker先

will3002 發表於 2011-10-25 18:11

I will not upgrade everything within very short time (not enough budget, and also my wife will kill me), plan to upgrade one by one every 6-9 months, then I can feel the "changes" on each equipment.

Need to search more inf. about Int/ amp in here, and concentrate on it.

How about NAIT XS ? is it within my budgeted price range ? I read that the amp need to be turned on all the time, is it power consuming and safe ?

halfnew 發表於 2011-10-25 18:24

For me, if I could upgrade another part in 6 to 9 months, I would upgrade speaker first. As I am not expert, I would afraid not easy finding a suitable speaker for NAIT XS. My limited experience tells me the sound character affected heavily by speakers. Also 20,000 – 25,000 is big money to me. I would not take that risk.

shapei 發表於 2011-10-25 18:41

In my opinion, except XQ series, I think R series also a better choose

And, the production line for XQ is stop

mcleo 發表於 2011-10-25 18:50

回復 3# will3002

    naim needs to match with a set of CDP and Amp., of course naim is always good! I prefer CM9 to KEF., more musical and also good in AV uesage

ekylam 發表於 2011-10-25 19:14

回复: Int. Amp / CDP / Speakers

Upgrade to a stereo amp is suggested as u can really feel the improvement. Ur existing speakers shld hv been well run so matching an amp shld be Ok.

If upgrading to speakers first, it will take time to run-in and since urs is AV amp, u may not realize the real benefits of the speakers.

U shld, now plan and test out ur end state amp, spkrs and cdp.

Beginner 發表於 2011-10-25 23:52

I suggest amp at first for your present gears
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