Amazon 呢排等錢駛?
呢排 AMAZON 訂 d blu ray 寄得鬼咁快,德版 10/11 sent, 10/14 收到~
英版 10/13 寄, 10/17 收到~
d 鐵仲要包到鬼咁靚, 有 bubble 又有獨立硬紙皮! {:6_193:} 回復 1# 命硬好人
見你近排都好(狼)下{:6_235:} 本帖最後由 victor_wong 於 2011-10-17 18:12 編輯
{:1_349:} but not in Canada. Have to complain about it! Hae to send them an email and make sure it fair with canada and hong kong. At least the same delivery time. GDI! {:1_256:}I ordered 3 disc from amazon fr. They said delivery is OCT 18. Tomorrow is 18. Is it necessary to be that late. It doesn't make any sense.
Amazon 呢排等錢駛?
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 望d客仔訂多兩轉...{:6_238:} CHING你係特選客戶嘛!! {:6_176:} 回復命硬好人
emuho888 發表於 2011-10-17 18:05
同 ching 比, 只係小 (色) 狼o者~
今日入手 Pet of the year Winners, 唔知得唔得呢~ {:6_212:} 望d客仔訂多兩轉...
dragonyam 發表於 2011-10-17 18:25
呢樣真, 佢寄得快, cancel order 難度大增~ CHING你係特選客戶嘛!!
ykluk 發表於 2011-10-17 18:29
每次訂一隻既 ching 先係特選客戶~ This is the different between first class and the cheap class...just kidding