victor_wong 發表於 2011-10-17 18:06
18號寄出, 唔會咁快到既, 等等la. 18號寄出, 唔會咁快到既, 等等la.
Hon 發表於 2011-10-17 19:21
They said 18 delivery not dispatch ching. I am thing about upgrade to prime membership. Just not sure is it eligiable with de and fr...
{:1_339:} 呢樣真, 佢寄得快, cancel order 難度大增~
命硬好人 發表於 2011-10-17 18:54
高招,到大減價又唔會咁快... 快D 寄出唔比你哋郁吓就cut 單{:1_262:} yes.... they are so fast... too bad... they dispatched the order suddenly and failed to cancel part of the order....{:6_243:} {:1_338:}年尾追數 貨運快左可能係歐洲果邊衰退D貨運量小左,所以D貨就快左處理 原來 amazon 嘅 prime membership 完全係海外唔 work 架! dv^%rt&^nh {:1_250:}
Amazon 呢排等錢駛?
唔知幾時可以到呢~- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 btw....我見amazon us 計埋shipping都平過amazon uk wor @@why still order from them???coz have chinese subtitle?