因為隻 Int. Amp 我多數都會熄左個 back light LCD.....
搞到兩次睇戲都唔記得著 / 冇揀到 input...... {:1_260:}
睇黎以後都係要開番佢..... 不過要接受 D 光害........ ...
syau 發表於 2009-1-11 01:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
可唔可以用一張黑黑哋嘅半透明膠片/紙貼住部amp lcd面板嗰部份(好似帶黑超咁)
咪唔會光害影响睇戲囉 本帖最後由 mankoo 於 2009-1-11 01:45 編輯
我都係忠意力水而揀 Denon 3808!
唔緊要,玩幾年先再算 ...
wil-wil 發表於 2009-1-11 01:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
(己所不欲,速售予人) {:1_253:}..........買藍光碟學嘅
Monitor Audio 嘅聲唔錯, 新版比以前有進步. 而且有唔同系列可以選擇.另外一提樓主, sub-woofer並唔係完全冇方向性, 只不過在80hz以下的低音,指向性冇中高音咁明顯.而且超低的穿透力比中高音強, 所以令人容易誤 ...
safin 發表於 2009-1-4 12:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif wil,發覺唔啱心水都仲玩幾年先再算?
(己所不欲,速售予人) ..........買藍光碟學嘅 ...
mankoo 發表於 2009-1-11 01:41 AM http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Some of the bro who don't want to waste extra mony to replace another new toys ...
Although, we are the bad av devil, but I am the good one ma!
Haaa ... I concern his feeling of $$$$!
我自己就接受唔到熄左任何器材o既LCD panel,
唔知較暗D個LCD panel對聲音會唔會有改改善呢?305753057630577
Terence 發表於 2009-1-11 01:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
較暗D個LCD panel對聲音會唔會有改善 <-- 小的木耳聼唔出啊!!
可唔可以用一張黑黑哋嘅半透明膠片/紙貼住部amp lcd面板嗰部份(好似帶黑超咁)
mankoo 發表於 2009-1-11 01:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
不過佢其實都有兩個 level 嘅 backlight 可以較, 但係我兩個都覺得光左 D D.... {:1_256:} Some of the bro who don't want to waste extra mony to replace another new toys ...
Although, we are the bad av devil, but I am the good one ma!
Haaa ... I concern his feeling of $$$$!
wil-wil 發表於 2009-1-12 00:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
feeling of $$$$$ is just a moment
but feeling from AV can last long!! {:1_262:}
RE: 新人自 post 小影院 (9/2 更新)
update 番小小野先....換左條 jumper 仔 (Kimber 9033), D 聲特別係 bass control 好左 {:6_134:}
牆插又係手痕換左.... Wattgate 381 兩隻, 一金一銀
而家除左隻 sub, Audio 方面已經用晒 US 插{:1_263:}
CDP 用 Argento Level 0.5
Int. Amp 用 AET HIN EVO 連 GR 頭尾插
Sub 之前條 DDL 唔夠長... diy 左條 Belden 20A 比佢用... 力度係差左小小, 不過唔想加多隻拖板冇計
相入面右邊條都轉左用條 diy 古河 3ts762, 因為條 DDL 太硬... 推個櫃埋去會頂住 {:6_148:}
而家幾條 DDL 線多左出黎.......
CDP 去 Int. Amp 條 XLR 都換左條 Siltech SQ110 mk2...... {:6_139:}
另 Int. Amp 同 CDP 位置對調左, Int.Amp 換左 Taoc 25pin...
牆插又係手痕換左.... Wattgate 381 兩隻, 一金一銀 >>> what do u mean by 一金一銀?
how's the comment on the wattgate? hi,
牆插又係手痕換左.... Wattgate 381 兩隻, 一金一銀 >>> what do u mean by 一金一銀?
how's the comment on the wattgate?
avmilk 發表於 2009-2-9 18:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
一金一銀 <- 佢有兩隻 model, 一隻就鍍金, 另一隻就鍍銀
The world is totally different after changed to Wattgate.... the background is much more silent with more staging and 3D, the bass also smoother