否則,要 Up grade firmware 黎修正左右聲道反轉時要自行切斷機內 PCB 線路。 唔之曾叔有冇得分期付款呢 唔之曾叔有冇得分期付款呢
kc2wong 發表於 2012-3-25 22:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
就算有可能都要收charge. 直接同銀行card centre申請分期都得. 你比較下兩樣邊樣抵d先! 買 Mytek 192 DSD 一定要買最新版。
否則,要 Up grade firmware 黎修正左右聲道反轉時要自行切斷機內 PCB...
adktk 發表於 2012-3-25 21:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ching可唔可以講詳細d? 要自己開殼整的? 我今月買Mytek 192 DAC, 新版本跟 firmware v1.4.0., 我已從Mytek官網download 最新firmware v1.4.2. 成功安裝. 至於需要自行切斷機內 PCB應該只適用於舊版. 請問有冇人知佢可以用乜嘢搖控器?? where is the DAC made in ?
ok102006 發表於 2012-3-24 23:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
USA design and made in Poland 回復 58# fseon
Thank you, I just ordered one (192-DSD-Pre) from US, it will arrive in about 3 weeks, happy listening{:1_259:}
Is it better price than buying it in HK?Can advise which site to order?
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 我今月買Mytek 192 DAC, 新版本跟 firmware v1.4.0., 我已從Mytek官網download 最新firmware v1.4.2. 成功 ...
Arkin99 發表於 2012-3-28 18:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
c-hing 你睇睇官網最新果個 1.4.3 firmware 入面個 installation instruction 啦!
Michal 寫到明,如果要 up 上 1.4.3 呢個 firmware 就一定要做 cut PCB 呢個動作。
除非你果部 Mytek 192/DSD 個 firmware 就已經係 1.4.3。就當然唔洗 up 啦!
否則,你又有 DSD file 要 decode,又想話部機 support 到 DSD over PCM (DoP),就.......自行評估風險啦!