benjamin 發表於 2011-9-20 15:03

我都係屯門友, 我會準備 flac 的

avlam 發表於 2011-9-20 15:05

原本噚曰出左MK交易條CARDAS RCA,但覺得條線有啲問題取消左!得條CHord 帶唔帶?
如果你有XLR轉RCA頭, ...
tomc 發表於 2011-9-20 14:53


ttthhhkkk 發表於 2011-9-20 21:02

本帖最後由 ttthhhkkk 於 2011-9-20 21:03 編輯

我用整條缐好廢, 求其找條rca都win幾條街{:1_336:}
我都有三條XLR, 得物無所用
有無coaxial cable?

eh, 有三位人兄, 張sofa吾夠大 = ="

ttthhhkkk 發表於 2011-9-20 21:06

本帖最後由 ttthhhkkk 於 2011-9-20 21:09 編輯

tsuiyuen兄, 介吾介意星期四或星期五來, 可以多點時間聽帶來的歌?{:1_352:}

tsuiyuen 發表於 2011-9-20 22:13

回復 304# ttthhhkkk

Fri should be fine......
more time?

ttthhhkkk 發表於 2011-9-20 22:51


Fri should be fine......
more time?
tsuiyuen 發表於 2011-9-20 22:13
as you want, welcome for most time

tsuiyuen 發表於 2011-9-20 22:53

回復 306# ttthhhkkk

other ching 呢?

ttthhhkkk 發表於 2011-9-20 23:11


other ching 呢?
tsuiyuen 發表於 2011-9-20 22:53
because tomc told me that one more ching will come to my home, i guess it was you. But it is wrong.
I just know that it is 3 ppl now.

As my sofa only can only sit 3 ppl
In order to give you a better impression, i suggest you go to visit my home a bit later.
We may have more time to share how to appearicate the music performance.

They visit my home tomorrow.

ttthhhkkk 發表於 2011-9-20 23:31

岩岩換了onix dac25粒opamp
dac25有四粒opamp, 每聲道兩粒
換近rca/xlr output的一對, 清了點, 但厚度差了, 聲音平面了, 仲差過未換, 好似比人昆咁{:1_336:}
換另一對, ehhh, 厚度沒有問題, 聲音更立體有力, 實淨了, 更清晰有光澤

tomc 發表於 2011-9-20 23:57

because tomc told me that one more ching will come to my home, i guess it was you. But it is wrong. ...
ttthhhkkk 發表於 2011-9-20 23:11

Ben會帶條Madsion Audio RCA 比師兄試試!
頁: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 [31] 32
查看完整版本: 新手請教... 80/200ft 中型書架選擇

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