syeah 發表於 2011-10-17 10:00

BTW, me myself is a 8200CD user...

Thor 發表於 2011-10-17 10:59

回復 49# kenneth_obee


Lester 發表於 2011-10-17 11:26

本帖最後由 Lester 於 2011-10-17 11:35 編輯

just got my SB touch yesterday

very nice little stuff

thanks for all ching expert advice...

for t ...
syeah 發表於 2011-10-17 09:57

syeah ching,
根據呀designer JohnW 講, 佢出左8200CD 之後發現左供電系統的一個改善方案令舊野更靚聲,由於時間關係,新方案只係用左係cdq 同 mdac上, 無用到去8200cd, 佢話遲d會出個upgrade kit 比買左8200cd既用家
另外MDAC仲有幾個新function 例如 可用usb update firmware 同加左個function可以測試你個source 係吾係bit perfect, better de-jitter... 整體來就,如果吾play CD, MDAC 應該係正過8200CD

syeah 發表於 2011-10-17 11:38

syeah ching,
根據呀designer JohnW 講, 佢出左8200CD 之後發現左供電系統的一個改善方案令舊野更靚聲,由 ...
Lester 發表於 2011-10-17 11:26



Lester 發表於 2011-10-17 11:40


syeah 發表於 2011-10-17 11:38

超長的post...由 part I 8200CD未出 睇到 part VI M-DACOct14出...

Lester 發表於 2011-10-17 11:47


chhanthony 發表於 2011-10-16 23:14

Anthony 兄,

John & all,
Do M-DAC have word-clock in/out interface ? dont know why I get a impression that it do have, but i cant find the BNC interface in the online product picture.

Wordclock out (on the RCA),
Its selectable between Wordclock out, or De-Jittered SPDIF out,

chhanthony 發表於 2011-10-17 12:28

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2011-10-17 12:29 編輯

Anthony 兄,
Lester 發表於 2011-10-17 11:47


以我理解係,佢可以用作clock generator 以RCA 輸出wordclock signall或以SPDIF輸出de-jittered clock
但就無wordclock in 嘅function

以我半桶水嘅理解喺數碼音樂裏面,clock("時鐘")係有好重要嘅角式,每一套系統都會有一個"主時鐘",一般以最簡單嘅CDP加int amp嘅組合,
主時鐘將會放喺CDP內。而當用上CDT同DAC時,一般CDT會係master, DAC會係slave,不過其實主時鐘係越近DAC越好,因為DAC係將數碼轉模擬再輪出畀前級放大,可以話係數碼訊源嘅最後把關,如果DAC可以將前面所以到嘅不良clock signal作resampling的話,咁就唔怕前面有幾多jitter都可以輸出低jitter嘅signal。

而Mdac以上嘅function都好有用,可以行到DAC Master mode,問題係佢要有一部wordclock in嘅CDT或external clock先可以做到佢嘅功能。唔計Transporter,有word clock入嘅CDP最平好似得Marantz SA11S2。

早前Kenneth兄post咗 Kent Poon嘅Blog出嚟入面有詳細講解,有趣興嘅朋友可以去睇睇   

(6) What about WordClock connection?

Some soundcards have wordclock input. It can improve the performance if you slave the soundcard with a high quality master clock. Remember that every digital audio setup should contain 1 reference clock only.

For example, there is a CD transport, an upsampler and a DAC digital playback combo. The CD transport reads the CD data and outputs with 44.1kHz timing information. The upsampler will be slave to this incoming clock signal, and generate a new sampling rate with a new clock signal. The DAC will again locks to this timing information. In this system, the CD transport is the master.

DAC master mode: Some devices allow DAC to work as master clock. The DAC outputs reference clock signal via Wordclock output. The CD transports/upsampler sync with this timing information. This mode produces better quality because of the DAC crystal is used for reference. It is closest to the DAC section (shorter signal path), hence a better result compares with multiply locking stages.

Master Clock mode: If you have a master clock, you can hook it up with all 3 devices. Every device works under this sync should produce more accurate timing.

These are general comments for various connections. It really depends on different design and approach. For example the original Weiss DAC1 has wordclock I/O. But after in depth researches, the wordclock input will never works better than its own DSP reclocking PLL performances. So the workclock input will always produce inferior result. Therefore Weiss decided to take this feature off.

heven 發表於 2011-10-17 13:46

回復 48# Lester

Mac mini or SBT which one is better on the sound quaility?
If the device need connected to DAC.

obee 發表於 2011-10-17 13:47

回復 52# Thor

    因為用 filder view 係好似file explorer 咁,可以實時睇到個file structure, 但其他view 係要等 sb server scan vuild 或 update 左個library 先可以顯示,如果你要快d update, 咁你要手動叫佢update 個library. 否則通常佢係會晚上自動做。

Lester 發表於 2011-10-17 14:01


以我理解係,佢可以用作clock generator 以RCA 輸出wordclock signall或以SPDIF輸出de-jittere ...
chhanthony 發表於 2011-10-17 12:28

即係話MDAC 只可以用來做master clock, 吾食external clock, 所以吾可以加鐘,不過如果你個CDP/PC Sound card/network player 有clock in 就可以用MDAC做master clock sync 曬兩部 right?
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