AV原人 發表於 2011-9-9 03:38


supertenchung 發表於 2011-9-9 11:22

C hing,not for argue, just for friendly discussion, the principal of JD is changeling the government decision is whether reasonable or ultra virus. Although they have state very clear, but if it unreasonable, the court can still judge it is invalid. U remember Mr Chan has win a case against the IR. Of course, whether u have enough resource to play with IR is another issue. Government action need to be fair and reasonable in theory no matter this action is justified by another statue or not. A not very good example, for the Philippine maid cases, the law already say Philippine maid will not have the right of abode in HK, then why still need to bring the case to the court?? It is because the claimant claim the law is against the basic law. In short, Government act can be challenged if you think they are unreasonable and act outside the power inferred.

Pooh 發表於 2011-9-9 14:31

本帖最後由 Pooh 於 2011-9-9 14:34 編輯

回復 32# supertenchung



P.S. 我都無留意陳生打贏咗添,之前個官話如果個個都用收唔到稅局通知,稅務制度就會崩塌,咁宜家稅務制度咪即係崩塌咗?!{:6_134:}

supertenchung 發表於 2011-9-9 15:04

C hing, thank you for your reply. In truth, u are right, being a normal people, really don;t have resource to play with IR or government, Better to follow their instruction. If not, IR may find another way to play with u! then PK la
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