wally 發表於 2011-7-30 10:40

Well, question is whether you satisfy with your C200 + DAC25? If yes, then don't worry about the notebook. There will always something better {:6_134:}

Regarding to streaming, don't worry about it, don't think it will impact on sound quality. If file sharing works, stick with it. You will know you need streaming when you really need that.

By the way, 2 Qs for you, Anthony:
1. What amp you are using?
2. How much do you budget your NB?

chhanthony 發表於 2011-7-30 16:29

1. What amp you are using?
Cary Audio
2. How much do you budget your NB?
about 2-3K

wally 發表於 2011-7-31 23:30

回復 92# chhanthony

Seems like your Cary not able to play network media directly, so... won't be able to help to much on this.

2-3K NB, pure guess, may be a little better than your C200, because you can control your applications and how files are being play. So, no harm to try, as I guess you want to find some excuses to buy a new NB anyway {:6_176:}
But if you really want quality things to replace your C200, a desktop PC may be better. I remember I've seen another post from another CHing said he tried to compare his desktop PC vs his NB, with same (or similar) setup, same player applications and driver, he found desktop is still better. Surely, power, USB module, interference, etc. is much more complicated in a NB.

qwe456 發表於 2011-7-31 23:48


But if you really want quality things to replace your C200, a desktop PC may be better. I remember I've seen another post from another CHing said he tried to compare his desktop PC vs his NB, with same (or similar) setup, same player applications and driver, he found desktop is still better. Surely, power, USB module, interference, etc. is much more complicated in a NB.

wally 發表於 2011-7-31 23:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    By the way, when I built my music PC (not exactly my HTPC, which is another box), it took me quite a while to find a desktop mobo that uses an external power supply (essentially a laptop power supply)...
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