billy997 發表於 2011-7-1 22:14

The key is if using airport express you will need a Mac to run itunes on. If you have a imac running 7x24, then it doesn't matter. For me, I am using QNAP NAS + Slimdevice SB3 (that is the name before logitech bought over it) connecting to a Eastern Electric DAC, it makes day and night differece by adding a DAC into this electric device as they are not made for ultimate hi-fi purpose but functional view point only.

Lester 發表於 2011-7-1 22:31

The key is if using airport express you will need a Mac to run itunes on. If you have a imac running ...
billy997 發表於 2011-7-1 22:14

    got it! thx.

Lester 發表於 2011-7-1 23:45

KING 發表於 2011-7-1 19:06

Shanling CD-A10T

ffkk 發表於 2011-7-2 00:38

The key is if using airport express you will need a Mac to run itunes on. If you have a imac running ...
billy997 發表於 2011-7-1 22:14

That's not true. There is iPhone can read nas and play through AirPlay to airport express, no computer is needed to on. I am enjoying just now. Pls see my another thread.

billy997 發表於 2011-7-2 12:20

ffkk, have you tried successfully? I am using QNAP and I am sure there is no such NAS s/w acing as "server" to decode files in NAS and transfer via airplay. And that is why I need a squeezecenter installed QNAP do the stuff.

As you are using Synology and good that you can share more what they have done laterly to support such.

Lester 發表於 2011-7-2 13:15

i think it will use iphone/ipod as the player if you connect airport express as this way?
so the singla is fromNAS-> iphone -> airport express -> amp ?
or the iphone is just act as a remote ?

the easiest way to test should be play a song then shutdown iphone see if it will keep playing

zori 發表於 2011-7-2 13:47

ffkk, have you tried successfully? I am using QNAP and I am sure there is no such NAS s/w acing as " ...
billy997 發表於 2011-7-2 12:20

When you use your PC to view your NAS in your home network (win7), you can see it in 2 area.
One is as a computer, another one is Media Server.

As a computer, the files are read in binary data format by other computers.
As a media server, the audio files are read and convert in LPCM like format to stream to compatiable home audio devices.

Synology NAS can read and play Appleloss audio files through home network (DLNA standard) to Amp, TV, or PS3. The same Applelosse file (placed in USB drive) can't be decode on my ONKYO Amp or on my TV.

As far as I know the Logitech NAS plugin lets Squeezebox to read the data file from the NAS and do the decoding to LPCM like ouptut format (for Coaxial or Optical) or in analog format.

Lester 發表於 2011-7-2 13:54

絕對唔應該用個"有幾差"三個字,否則點會有禁多review,以 $2,100 來看絕對超值。
但您不可用320K MP3...
wkw9811 發表於 2011-7-1 21:40

ching, could u tell me where selling at $2100? i saw the list price is $24xx in ssp golden

lung1234 發表於 2011-7-2 15:18

Lester Ching, I bought it yesterday at $2100 at LG/F of Golden.

wkw9811 發表於 2011-7-2 17:23

本帖最後由 wkw9811 於 2011-7-2 17:29 編輯

I also just bought end of May at LG/F of Golden.
Invoice showing 2 items 1) selling price is $2,400 2) $300 Discount

Furthermore, SqueezeBox server installed in QNAP NAS has feature
to config format conversion.

User can choose where to decode: Server or Player

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