chanwt 發表於 2011-6-2 21:53

回復 30# tomc

    Yes! it works for sure!

KUNGKUNG 發表於 2011-6-6 09:28

回復 1# chanwt
chanwt Ching ,
可唔可以 "打長" 黎玩呀 ??
甘樣去搞 "處理" 容易好多 !!
左/右唔平衡真係好頭痛 !!

chanwt 發表於 2011-6-6 10:08

unfortunately! not allowed in reality!

36c036 發表於 2011-6-8 16:54

good try...!

japangirl 發表於 2011-6-15 11:17

事源早前入了胡琳隻Jazz them up! 豈料頭兩隻歌的低頻在我個聽bloom 到飛起! (聽得都好辛苦).
其實之前都有 ...
chanwt 發表於 2011-5-30 20:50
too close to rear wall because of rear port design,if your speakers is front port design should have no problem!

chanwt 發表於 2011-6-15 18:00

too close to rear wall because of rear port design,if your speakers is front port design should hav ...
japangirl 發表於 2011-6-15 11:17

   Thx for your advice Japangirl,

in fact my previous speaker has neitherrear or front port! it is not a reflective type of speaker.
In fact, even now after I change to a full-range speaker with a reflective front port, the low frequency standing wave problem still giving me problem although lesser compare to last speakers.

So, I think it was very much related to the geometry of the room, of course related to the speaker and placement also. but the possibility of modifying the last two are very limited!

edison133 發表於 2011-6-15 18:52

回覆: 金字塔吸音棉-用後分享!

本帖最後由 edison133 於 2011-6-15 18:53 編輯

It is same problem as me before!
The way can do is 打長黎玩!
too close to rear wall because of rear port design,if your speakers is front port design should hav ...
japangirl 發表於 2011-6-15 11:17

   Thx for your advice Japangirl,

in fact my previous speaker has neitherrear or front port! it is not a reflective type of speaker.
In fact, even now after I change to a full-range speaker with a reflective front port, the low frequency standing wave problem still giving me problem although lesser compare to last speakers.

So, I think it was very much related to the geometry of the room, of course related to the speaker and placement also. but the possibility of modifying the last two are very limited!

發送自我的 HTC Legend 大板凳

chanwt 發表於 2011-6-15 20:06

It is same problem as me before!
The way can do is 打長黎玩!

   Thx for your advice Japangirl,
edison133 發表於 2011-6-15 18:52

    Well, not every family in HongKong has the luxury you have!
it si very lucky for you tobe able to make good use of your house for HiFi.:)

yeungone 發表於 2011-6-16 04:48

C hing : 左睇右睇先收拾咗個風扇,後落地布窗簾。

chanwt 發表於 2011-6-16 07:23

Dear ching, thx for your advice!

左睇右睇先收拾咗個風扇,後落地布窗簾。>>>風扇可以取走試試, 布窗簾就可能無位了.
另外想底音好,重點應注意喇叭線,吸音物料為次選。>>>>>也嘢喇叭線會有乜影呴呢? 咁c hing提議用乜物料喇叭線有幫助呢?
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