到時真要貼就用海綿膠吧 ! 先係吸音棉背面,四邊用雙面膠紙痴一層咭紙
係咭紙位置再用寶貼痴上牆 本帖最後由 tom@@123 於 2011-5-31 02:19 編輯
ching.. ..個左手邊成幅玻璃牆.. ..幾多隔音吸音綿都好像無咩用喎.. ..整幅落地窗簾應該已經會好好多.. ..{:6_122:} (至少左邊唔會彈聲.. ..)
ps:嗰條"宜家"窗簾吸唔到聲架.. ..{:6_125:} 回復 10# avlam
Have considered to use "white" colour, but know from other C Hings experience, These things will turn "yellowish" after short period.
So, decdied to use "Black " colour. and to give a stronger contrast on teh white wall.
Have not expected to cover the whole wall, may be just rectangular patterns.. 回復 11# edlsang
咁請問海棉胶那裹買到? 第日容唔容易拆架? 回復 13# tom@@123
so far 唔係好覺幅窗有好大問題!
多數都係開窗, 其實現左都一幅捲curtain 可以cover 成幅窗口. 今晚又試下有冇改善!
回覆: 金字塔吸音棉-用後分享!
多謝Ching的寶貴經驗分享! 使用吸音棉要留意, 因為佢唔止吸低頻, 如果用得太多d聲會變'暗', 個音牆都會收縮, 適可而止好了。 CHING,我見淘寶有D淺色D既吸音棉架,咁你個廳望落去冇咁覺眼麻....個人意見姐.....{:6_182:} 回復 15# chanwt五金鋪............