phi76ers 發表於 2011-5-30 21:14

it is really amazing

HardBoiled 發表於 2011-5-31 19:18

I want to know these two version how different?
blu-ray+DVDother is Collector's Edition?

tinlunlau 發表於 2011-6-15 08:08

至於Well Go USA出碟沒有中文字幕問題﹐公司今天終於有所回答喇﹗

我﹕Just wondering, as a ethnic Chinese living in the North American continent, it baffles me that a local home video release of a Chinese flick does not include any Chinese subtitles. It's bad enough that I have to fork out $40-50 bucks for an import just so that I can have my Chinese subtitles on a film. So as I was gonna ask, would be there any plans to include Chinese subtitles on any future releases? (or even korean subtitles on Well Go's releases of korean films) Cuz ultimately, I think that would entice more people to buy your products.
June 10 at 1:01am

Well Go 代表﹕Completely understand your complaint, unfortunately many times Hong Kong and Chinese production companies specifically hold back he right to subtitle Chinese fins in Chinese because they don't want to take away from their sales. We do try to obtain Chinese subtitle rights but unfortunately many times it's out of our control. We will continue trying, so keep an eye out!! And thank you for all your support!
8 hours ago
我﹕well one major concern i have is, alot of hk films these days aren't just in cantonese and would break into mandarin. which is why i always turn on chinese subs in case such an occurance would happen


jackybat09 發表於 2011-6-15 08:47

PACKING好有鬼用, D劇情屎到無朋友

命硬好人 發表於 2011-6-15 08:57

PACKING好有鬼用, D劇情屎到無朋友
jackybat09 發表於 2011-6-15 08:47

呢度 d ching 一套戲都買十幾隻碟黎儲~ 開都唔會開~
就係欣賞佢 d packing 多過套戲~

jackybat09 發表於 2011-6-15 10:27

呢度 d ching 一套戲都買十幾隻碟黎儲~ 開都唔會開~
就係欣賞佢 d packing 多過套戲~ ...
命硬好人 發表於 2011-6-15 08:57


命硬好人 發表於 2011-6-15 10:31

回復 26# jackybat09

CHING, 咁你要睇多 d sutter 兄的 post~ 包你嘆為觀止~
佢 d 碟的 versions 肯定齊過 CD 舖~

jacklouwy 發表於 2011-6-15 11:00

jackybat09 發表於 2011-6-15 10:27

    ching, 呢d 純粹係個人喜好/興趣....!!
    你覺得無理由啫, 人地覺得有 !!呢個世界咩野人都有 ga 啦....   
    有另一個好例子, 有人鐘意儲汽水罐, 都會儲唔同國家既版本,但係入面d 汽水都唔會飲ga啦!!

david321 發表於 2011-6-15 14:04

頂, 我隻英版都是國語, 重諗訂埋美版, 現在唔洗了.

mrlittlejacky 發表於 2011-6-15 22:21

jackybat09 發表於 2011-6-15 10:27

你識多D 儲碟D朋友就明白架啦~~一隻碟買幾隻,幾款真係好正常!
頁: 1 2 [3] 4
查看完整版本: 《精武風雲.陳真》美版Blu-ray (P.4新增法版實物圖)

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