metal08 發表於 2011-6-25 20:39

一定冇可能係1979 年買到 CD 啦
正確說法, 呢隻 Telarc 錄音係 1979年最先以黑膠發行,
呢隻 1812 係 Telarc 最早期發行唱片之一
後來 Telarc 將呢隻唱片再制成CD 發售, 不過唔清楚幾時啦

ultramanzoffy 發表於 2011-6-28 00:47

"一定冇可能係1979 年買到 CD 啦
正確說法, 呢隻 Telarc 錄音係 1979年最先以黑膠發行,
呢隻 1812 係 Telarc 最早期發行唱片之一
後來 Telarc 將呢隻唱片再制成CD 發售, ..........."


japangirl 發表於 2011-6-29 14:40

philips 1994 ver ! the best!

audionewhand 發表於 2011-6-29 19:13

My "Round Up" is made in Japan too.

metal08 發表於 2011-7-11 22:15

我見個個都話原版好D, 而且個價己經話左俾你聽邊隻好D. 同埋我見而家Mecury出左個Box-set有50隻,
入 ...
jack331 發表於 2011-5-25 14:23

根據呢個帖提供的相片, 似乎這 Box Set 內的 1812 是舊版本, 而唔係 remastered 版

Soundboy 發表於 2011-7-12 00:20

本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2011-7-11 08:23 編輯

ultramanzoffy 發表於 2011-6-27 08:47

From my research, I believe Telarc released its first CD much earlier than 1986.The Matsushita 松下 CDs were the earliest Telarc CDs, but I am thinking they were made in 1983 or 1984.I have created this Google Doc spreadsheet based on the DIDZ code numbers issued by Japan CBS/Sony.If you look at the spreadsheet, the Telarc CDs have the earliest DIDZ codes.If 甄妮's 迷人的五月 CD (the first HK CBS/Sony CD) was released in 1984, then the Telarc CDs with the DIDZ codes have to be released in 1983-1984.And if the Matsushita 松下 Telarc CDs were made before the Japan CBS/Sony Telarc CDs, then they must be made, at the minimum, in the same period of 1983-1984.By 1986, the US Sony DADC pressing plant has already opened and Telarc would've switched to using that pressing plant.

Of course, the above is just my theory.

ultramanzoffy 發表於 2011-7-14 23:38

Hi soundboy hing,
for your reference...
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