adktk 發表於 2011-5-27 01:14

本帖最後由 adktk 於 2011-5-27 01:23 編輯

我就無 C-hing 咁多隻 1812,只有一隻咁多姐!TELARC 出品 (原版之中既原裝無 DSD 版)。

1979 年買入既 (編號 CD-80041)!當年無 DSD 錄音,不過 D 炮聲真係好勁 (當年小弟無知差 D 炸左對喇叭)! {:1_339:}

ps. 最近囉番 D 70's ~ 80's 年代買入既碟黎重新 Rip 一次 (用EAC),之後又繼續封存。 {:1_253:}

audionewhand 發表於 2011-5-27 06:25

本帖最後由 audionewhand 於 2011-5-27 06:31 編輯

我就無 C-hing 咁多隻 1812,只有一隻咁多姐!TELARC 出品 (原版之中既原裝無 DSD 版)。

1979 年買入既...
adktk 發表於 2011-5-27 01:14

1979 年買入既???I'm not sure if CD is available this year or not???My Telarc is the earliest edition too.Overall, I still like Philips most. Recording, performance and interpretation are first class.

audionewhand 發表於 2011-5-27 06:28

我就無 C-hing 咁多隻 1812,只有一隻咁多姐!TELARC 出品 (原版之中既原裝無 DSD 版)。

1979 年買入既...
adktk 發表於 2011-5-27 01:14

    ching, I wonder if your method of 封存 will scratch the disc or not?Some of my K2HD using a similar slip case were slightly scratched already.{:1_331:}

jack331 發表於 2011-5-27 11:30


Can you tell which one is better ? Thx.
beginners 發表於 2011-5-26 22:31

    呢D Classic野好難話邊隻好D, 有D靚錄音, 有D真實炮聲, 有俄國演奏, 有芝加哥演奏, 你見我買幾個版都知, 33果篇野其實好好,
可以有個指引俾你去選擇, ching真係要睇下. 而且我都未開晒黎認真聽{:6_136:}

我就無 C-hing 咁多隻 1812,只有一隻咁多姐!TELARC 出品 (原版之中既原裝無 DSD 版)。

1979 年買入既 (編號 CD-80041)!當年無 DSD 錄音,不過 D 炮聲真係好勁 (當年小弟無知差 D 炸左對喇叭)!

ps. 最近囉番 D 70's ~ 80's 年代買入既碟黎重新 Rip 一次 (用EAC),之後又繼續封存
adktk 發表於 2011-5-27 01:14


adktk 發表於 2011-5-27 11:50

1979 年買入既???I'm not sure if CD is available this year or not???My Telarc is the earliest e ...
audionewhand 發表於 2011-5-27 06:25

Maybe you are too young, that's why you don't have any idea. {:1_340:}

adktk 發表於 2011-5-27 11:52

jack331 發表於 2011-5-27 11:30

Actually they are not 正野, they are antique~! {:1_258:}

audionewhand 發表於 2011-5-27 20:11

本帖最後由 audionewhand 於 2011-5-27 20:16 編輯

Maybe you are too young, that's why you don't have any idea.
adktk 發表於 2011-5-27 11:50

    I just hardly believe you bought this cd in 1979??{:1_329:} 1979 should be the production of this recording.Anyway, it doesn't matter.We're talking a desirable 1812 recording, right?

Google and found the following article:

..........The first CDs went on sale in November 1982 and were mainly classical recordings..........

dai_cast 發表於 2011-5-27 21:04


beginners 發表於 2011-5-27 22:40

回復 24# jack331

Thank you so much !{:6_237:}

JCCH 發表於 2011-5-30 21:52

Very good!
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