bbocram 發表於 2011-5-21 01:36

點 rip 碟為之最好呢 ??

點 rip 碟為之最好呢 {:1_342:}

myway 發表於 2011-5-21 01:48

For Software : Windows Use EAC, Mac use MAX
For Hardware, depends on what you have

bbocram 發表於 2011-5-21 01:51

我都係用EAC, 已經 SETUP 到最SECURE RIP {:1_253:}

myway兄, 有冇咩可以share下呀? {:1_332:}

chiuching 發表於 2011-5-21 02:03

聽過有啲師兄話消左磁先, 跟住先RIP, 話好啲啲喎... {:6_210:}

edlsang 發表於 2011-5-21 02:14

高心学問 ! {:6_229:}

BoB182 發表於 2011-5-21 05:17


myway 發表於 2011-5-21 12:02


myway兄, 有冇咩可以share下呀?...
bbocram 發表於 2011-5-21 01:51

    share? Usually, i doxxxxload some HI-Resz file from What.CD.{:1_333:}But its hard to make ratio high so i'm thinking buy a EU's seedbox.

bbocram 發表於 2011-5-21 14:50

本帖最後由 bbocram 於 2011-5-21 15:30 編輯

share? Usually, i doxxxxload some HI-Resz file from What.CD.But its hard to make r ...
myway 發表於 2011-5-21 12:02

I mean share your ripping experience {:1_253:}

ffkk 發表於 2011-6-11 16:08

don't know why all track name and info cannot be idenified??{:1_342:}

ffkk 發表於 2011-6-11 16:35

本帖最後由 ffkk 於 2011-6-11 16:36 編輯

the dbpoweramp looks better as it can retrieve the meta automatically, but it's only trial, after expired, cannot use secure rip {:1_346:}

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