jan97 發表於 2011-5-1 12:20

JL f110 用家报告

只sub run-in 了大约150小时。因该开声了。所以小弟提供小小用家报告。
AVR= Denon 4311
Sub cable:QED Signature
SUb setting:
Level Mode:variable
LP filter:off
E.L.F Trim:-3dB

Blurays: The Expendables,Avatar Extended Collectors Edition

因为AVR有Audyssey XT32 room EQ,.AudysseyXT32 可以做紧8 sitting position而JL Audio ARO 才得1position,所以小弟bypass了JL audio的Automatic Room Optimzation.
Audyssey XT32 specs 如下:
newest and most accurate room correction solution with more than ten thousand individual control points allowing finer details of the room’s problems to be captured and corrected. The ultra high resolution filters are applied to all channels including the subwoofers, with the most obvious benefit being heard in the low frequency range where correction is needed the most.

The Expendables:

Chapter 13,14

The final segment, which has almost incredible level of low sonic activity, is simply fabulous. Explosions, gunfire, collapsing buildings andsoldiers with their bodies and heads being blown off seems vey realistic and incredible! 子弹 好像打在自己身上!好过瘾!


Several sonic shock and massive LFE-heavy explosions, tree-cracking crashes here   rattles my ribcage, shake the walls, and wake myneighbours—


CanonEOS 發表於 2011-5-1 12:30

Thanks!, It's my next target

fm31331 發表於 2011-5-1 13:08


chacha1222 發表於 2011-5-1 13:27

{:6_157:}good job{:6_157:}

孤身走我路 發表於 2011-5-1 13:39


jan97 發表於 2011-5-1 13:53

回復 5# 孤身走我路

其实我都想买Velodyne SPL1000U的,performance都不錯。可惜比JL贵1700,又是大陆做的。无法,买了JL。

guly 發表於 2011-5-1 14:00

Worth Buy !!

qqsnk 發表於 2011-5-1 14:08

Good report!{:1_326:}

leo25 發表於 2011-5-1 15:42

good report {:6_193:}
JL係有買貴冇買錯呢點我都知...不過就真係好貴 {:6_136:}

edlsang 發表於 2011-5-1 17:00

good ! good ! good !
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